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Dictionary English German: joy

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NOUN1   a joy | joys
NOUN2   joy | -
VERB  to joy | joyed | joyed ... 
SYNO   to gladden | to joy | to joy ... 
to joy [literary]sich erfreuen
Freude {f}
Wonne {f} [geh.] [Freude, Vergnügen]
2 Words: Others
bringing joyFreude bringend
joy-filled {adj}freudvoll [Festtag]
2 Words: Verbs
to bring joyFreude bringen
to bring joyFreude schenken
to radiate joyFreude ausstrahlen
to spark joyFreude bereiten
2 Words: Nouns
any joyalle Freude {f}
boundless joygrenzenlose Freude {f}
agr. gastr. cocky's joy [Aus.] [coll.] [golden syrup]Rohrzuckersirup {m}
gastr. cocky's joy [coll.] [Aus.](heller) Zuckersirup {m}
gastr. cocky's joy [coll.] [Aus.]gelber Sirup {m}
doubtful joyzweifelhafte Freude {f}
exuberant joyüberschäumende Freude {f}
heavenly joyhimmlische Freude {f}
huge joyRiesenfreude {f}
indescribable joyunbeschreibliche Freude {f}
intense joygroße Freude {f}
joy (at)Freude {f} (über)
gastr. joy juice [Am.] [coll.] [also: joy-juice] [alcoholic drink]Stoff {m} [ugs.] [alkoholisches Getränk]
joy pellet [sl.]Opiumkügelchen {n}
drugs joy powder [sl.][Rauschgift, wie z. B. Heroin oder Kokain]
joy rideSchwarzfahrt {f}
joy rideVergnügungstrip {m}
comp. games joy stick [rare spv.] [joystick]Steuerknüppel {m} [veraltend] [Joystick, Spielsteuerung]
drugs joy weed [sl.]Marihuana {n}
kill-joySpaßverderber {m}
kill-joySpielverderber {m}
kill-joy [female]Spielverderberin {f}
love's joyLiebesfreude {f}
love's joyLiebeswonne {f} [Freude, Vergnügen]
malicious joySchadenfreude {f}
nameless joyunaussprechliche Freude {f}
shared joyMitfreude {f}
summer joySommerfreude {f}
philos. relig. sympathetic joyMitfreude {f}
unalloyed joyungetrübte Freude {f}
unclouded joyungetrübte Freude {f}
wild joyungestüme Freude {f}
3 Words: Others
agleam with joy {adj} [postpos.]freudestrahlend
agleam with joy {adj} [postpos.]strahlend vor Freude
beaming (with joy) {adj}freudestrahlend
beaming with joy {adj} [postpos.]freudestrahlend
beaming with joy {adj} [postpos.]strahlend vor Freude
beaming with joy {adj} [postpos.]vor Freude strahlend
delirious with joy {adj} [postpos.]überglücklich vor Freude [nachgestellt]
delirious with joy {adj} [postpos.]wahnsinnig vor Freude [nachgestellt]
filled with joy {adj} [postpos.]freudvoll [geh.]
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Q 2023-06-16: Demo am Beispiel: agleam with joy
A 2020-05-28: unexpected added pleasure / unexpected joy
Q 2017-06-29: Cocky's / cockey's joy (golden syrup)
A 2015-12-30: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/joy-and-pain/201401/what-is-the-diffe...
A 2015-09-01: Looking back with a contented smile, and looking forward with joy, isn’t t...
A 2015-09-01: To look back with bemusement, to look forward with joy, isn't the worst wa...
A 2015-03-04: Clasped his/her hands in excitement/joy/... perhaps
A 2014-09-09: Mein Vorschlag findet sich hier: #767748 Fürs WB: water down sb's expecta...
A 2014-09-04: water down your expectations / joy etc.
Q 2014-07-16: A Simple Way To Spread Joy
Q 2013-03-23: Spreadin' The Friday Joy
A 2012-08-23: The joy of Virginia vanity plates (extra $10 when you register your car.)
A 2012-06-16: Joy
A 2012-06-01: I won't discuss how extended anticipation probably curtails the endurance ...
A 2012-02-26: http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/joy?q=joys+of+spring#joy__5
A 2010-12-22: Not sure if there's a substantive difference between joy and bliss
A 2010-12-22: "joy" rather than "bliss"?
A 2010-10-18: "Joy to the world, the Lord IS come..."
A 2010-07-12: And I have a feeling of joy to be alive
A 2010-05-21: May you experience neverending joy

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