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English-German translation for: justice
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Dictionary English German: justice

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NOUN1   a justice [judge or magistrate] | justices
NOUN2   justice | -
SYNO   Department of Justice | DoJ | Justice ... 
justice2 [just behaviour or treatment]
Gerechtigkeit {f}
Justiz {f}
law justice
Recht {n} [Gerechtigkeit, Justiz]
jobs law pol. justice [a judge on the highest court of a government, such as a judge on the US Supreme Court]
Richter {m} [am Obersten Gerichtshof eines Staates, z. B. der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika]
games Justice <VIII> [also: justice] [Tarot card]
Gerechtigkeit {f} <VIII> [Tarotkarte]
law justicedas Rechte {n}
jobs law pol. justice [female] [a female judge on the highest court of a government, such as a female judge on the US Supreme Court]Richterin {f} [am Obersten Gerichtshof eines Staates, z. B. der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika]
law justice [right to a fair trial, nulla poena sine lege etc.]justizielle Rechte {pl}
2 Words: Others
seeking justicerechtsuchend
with justice {adv} [idiom]zu Recht [Redewendung]
2 Words: Verbs
law to administer justiceRecht sprechen
to cheat justiceder Justiz ein Schnippchen schlagen
to cheat justice [idiom]sichAkk. der (gerechten) Strafe entziehen
to demand justiceGerechtigkeit verlangen
law to dispense justiceRecht sprechen
to do sb./sth. justice [idiom]jdm./etw. gerecht werden
to serve justiceder Gerechtigkeit Genüge tun [Redewendung]
2 Words: Nouns
law myth. (Lady) JusticeJustitia {f}
ample justicevöllige Gerechtigkeit {f}
animal justiceGerechtigkeit {f} für Tiere
law arbitrary justiceWillkürjustiz {f}
law chief justiceOberrichter {m}
law chief justiceoberster Richter {m}
law chief justiceVorsitzender Richter {m} [seltener, nicht fachspr.: vorsitzender Richter]
law Chief Justice [Am.] [State Supreme Court]Oberster Staatsrichter {m}
law Chief Justice [Am.] [US Supreme Court]Oberster Bundesrichter {m}
law Chief Justice [female] [Am.] [State Supreme Court]Oberste Staatsrichterin {f}
jobs law chief justice [female] [when title: Chief Justice]Gerichtspräsidentin {f}
jobs law chief justice [when title: Chief Justice]Gerichtspräsident {m}
law civil justiceZivilgerichtsbarkeit {f}
ecol. sociol. climate justiceKlimagerechtigkeit {f}
complete justicevöllige Gerechtigkeit {f}
law contractual justiceVertragsgerechtigkeit {f}
law corrective justiceausgleichende Gerechtigkeit {f}
criminal justiceStrafjustiz {f}
criminal justiceStrafrecht {n}
law criminal justiceStrafrechtspflege {f}
pol. sociol. distributional justiceVerteilungsgerechtigkeit {f}
pol. sociol. distributive justiceVerteilungsgerechtigkeit {f}
distributive justiceausgleichende Gerechtigkeit {f}
ecol. ecological justiceökologische Gerechtigkeit {f}
educ. sociol. educational justiceBildungsgerechtigkeit {f}
ecol. pol. sociol. environmental justiceUmweltgerechtigkeit {f}
sociol. gender justiceGeschlechtergerechtigkeit {f}
hist. high justiceBlutgerichtsbarkeit {f}
hist. high justiceHochgerichtsbarkeit {f}
informational justiceInformationsgerechtigkeit {f}
pol. intergenerational justiceGenerationengerechtigkeit {f}
law pol. Justice Committee [Br.]Rechtsausschuss {m}
pol. Justice Department [Am.]Justizministerium {n}
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A 2023-01-02: Rechtsreferent > legal secretary / law clerk at the Court of Justice / leg...
A 2022-08-06: Some of the problems raised by Equity or Natural Justice viewed so favoura...
A 2022-08-04: This also makes sense in English. Justice being the right application of t...
Q 2022-08-03: Natural justice
A 2021-10-12: Sam22 schreibt was von "Federal Office of Justice"
A 2020-01-29: justice
A 2020-01-20: Phrase used mostly by defenders of justice/system or potential victims
A 2018-01-04: Telling variant: +mockery of law and justice+ Good idea to look up such te...
Q 2017-11-03: A financial exercise in Jedburgh justice?
A 2015-12-02: To get justice rather than just be right?
A 2015-03-14: A +murdering hole+ in Ireland; a pit where in high justice women were drowned
A 2015-01-25: Mercy before justice
A 2014-12-08: http://www.dict.cc/?s=Grundsatzreferat legislation / law / (justice)
A 2014-11-15: Judge / Justice
Q 2014-11-14: Judge versus Justice
Q 2014-08-24: to defeat justice
A 2014-02-16: Justice
A 2013-11-09: If the same person in one life is to do justice to all the others in a pro...
A 2013-08-02: persecution by justice
A 2013-05-16: Difficult translation. In the U.S., a call for justice for a murder victim...

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