| English | German | |
– | |
| med. artificial lung | künstliche Lunge {f} | |
Partial Matches |
| breathing organ | Lunge {f} | |
| gastr. lights {pl} [lungs of sheep, pigs, or bullocks as food] | Lunge {f} | |
| anat. lung [Pulmo] | Lunge {f} | |
| anat. lungs {pl} | Lunge {f} | |
| med. maple bark lung | Ahornrindenschäler-Lunge {f} | |
| hist. med. MedTech. iron lung | Eiserne Lunge {f} | |
| med. MedTech. negative pressure ventilator <NPV> [iron lung] | eiserne Lunge {f} | |
| med. coffee-worker's lung | Kaffeearbeiter-Lunge {f} | |
| med. cheese-washer's lung | Käsewäscher-Lunge {f} | |
| med. air-conditioner lung | Klimaanlage-Lunge {f} | |
| med. collapsed lung | kollabierte Lunge {f} | |
| anat. VetMed. left lung [Pulmo sinister] | linke Lunge {f} | |
| anat. VetMed. right lung [Pulmo dexter] | rechte Lunge {f} | |
| med. weak chest | schwache Lunge {f} | |
| ecol. hort. urban Unverified green space | grüne Lunge {f} [ugs.] | |
| at the top of one's lungs {adv} | aus voller Lunge | |
| to inhale [cigarette, cigar, or pipe smoke] | auf Lunge rauchen | |
| med. angiomyolipoma of (the) lung | Angiomyolipom {n} der Lunge | |
| med. chest disease | Erkrankung {f} der Lunge | |
| anat. alveoli of the lungs | Luftzellen {pl} der Lunge | |
| med. total lung capacity | Totalkapazität {f} der Lunge | |
| med. MedTech. shadowing of the lungs | Verschattung {f} der Lunge | |
| med. fish-meal worker's lung | Fischmehlarbeiter-Lunge {f} [auch: Fischmehlarbeiterlunge] | |
| med. New Guinea lung | Neu-Guinea-Lunge {f} [Strohdachlunge] | |
| anat. med. pulmonary {adj} | auf die Lunge bezogen | |
| med. honeycombing [honeycomb lung] | Honigwabenbildung {f} (in der Lunge) | |
| med. lung recruitment maneuver [Am.] <LRM> [Lachmann maneuver] | Recruitment-Manöver {n} (der Lunge) | |
| med. lung recruitment manoeuvre [Br.] <LRM> [Lachmann manoeuvre] | Recruitment-Manöver {n} (der Lunge) | |
| med. maple-bark-stripper's lung [also: maple bark stripper's lung] [ICD-10, Version 2018] | Ahornrindenschäler-Lunge {f} [ICD-10, Version 2018] | |
| med. air-conditioner lung | Air-Conditioner-Lunge {f} [auch: Airconditioner-Lunge] | |
| med. pulmonary edema [Am.] | Wasser {n} in der Lunge [ugs.] [Lungenödem] | |
| med. pulmonary oedema [Br.] | Wasser {n} in der Lunge [ugs.] [Lungenödem] | |
| ecol. hort. urban green lung [idiom] [green spaces, parks etc. in urban regions] | grüne Lunge {f} [Redewendung] [Grünflächen, Parks etc. in Großstädten] | |
| med. mushroom-worker's lung [ICD-10, Version 2018] | Pilzarbeiter-Lunge {f} [auch: Pilzarbeiterlunge] [ICD-10, Version 2018] | |
| med. to X-ray sb.'s lungs | jdm. die Lunge durchleuchten [röntgen, eine Röntgenaufnahme machen] | |
| med. to have a lung disease | es auf der Lunge haben [ugs.] [lungenkrank sein] | |
| idiom to scream one's head off | sichDat. die Lunge aus dem Hals / Halse schreien | |
| med. refrigeration | (künstliche) Unterkühlung {f} | |
| biochem. artificial amino acid | künstliche Aminosäure {f} | |
| biochem. artificial amino acids | künstliche Aminosäuren {pl} | |
| artificial flavourings [Br.] | künstliche Aromastoffe {pl} | |
| FoodInd. artificial flavours [Br.] | künstliche Aromastoffe {pl} | |
| FoodInd. artificial flavours [Br.] | künstliche Aromen {pl} | |
| med. artificial respiration | künstliche Atmung {f} | |
| biol. artificial breeding | künstliche Aufzucht {f} | |
| artificial selection | künstliche Auswahl {f} | |
| artificial basis | künstliche Basis {f} | |
| MedTech. artificial pancreas <AP> | künstliche Bauchspeicheldrüse {f} | |
| MedTech. automated insulin delivery system [artificial pancreas] | künstliche Bauchspeicheldrüse {f} | |
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