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English-German translation for: keeping
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Dictionary English German: keeping

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NOUN   keeping | -
VERB  to keep | kept | kept
keeping | keeps
SYNO   holding | keeping | retention ... 
keeping {adj} {pres-p}
keeping {adj} {pres-p}
keeping {adj} {pres-p}
Pflege {f}
Haltung {f} [von Haustieren, Fahrzeugen etc.]
Gewahrsam {m}
Verwahrung {f}
Hut {f} [geh.]
2 Words: Others
keeping apartauseinanderhaltend
keeping apartauseinander haltend [alt]
keeping away {pres-p}fernhaltend
keeping closedzuhabend
keeping coolkaltbleibend
keeping freefreihaltend
keeping fromabhaltend
keeping housewirtschaftend
keeping imprisoned {pres-p} {adj}gefangenhaltend [alt]
keeping imprisoned {pres-p} {adj}gefangen haltend
keeping onanbehaltend
keeping shut {adj} {past-p}zuhaltend
keeping silentschweigend
keeping up {adj} {pres-p}durchhaltend
keeping warm {adj}warmhaltend
keeping well [Br.]wohlauf
safe-keeping {adj}aufbewahrend
2 Words: Nouns
account-keepingKontoführung {f}
agr. bee-keepingBienenhaltung {f}
agr. bee-keepingBienenzucht {f}
bee-keepingImkerei {f}
bird keepingVogelhaltung {f}
book keepingBuchhaltung {f}
acc. book-keepingRechnungswesen {n}
fish fish keeping [also: fishkeeping]Fischhaltung {f}
agr. goose keepingGänsehaltung {f}
hen keepingHennenhaltung {f}
equest. horse keepingPferdehaltung {f}
keeping conditionsHaltungsbedingungen {pl}
keeping fitFitbleiben {n}
agr. keeping geeseGänsehaltung {f}
agr. keeping geese(das) Halten {n} von Gänsen
keeping goingInganghaltung {f}
keeping pets(das) Halten {n} von Haustieren
FoodInd. tech. keeping properties {pl}Haltbarkeit {f}
FoodInd. gastr. keeping qualitiesHaltbarkeitseigenschaften {pl}
keeping silentSichausschweigen {n}
agr. livestock keeping [also: livestock-keeping]Viehhaltung {f}
pet keepingHaustierhaltung {f}
zool. pet keepingHeimtierhaltung {f}
agr. poultry keepingGeflügelhaltung {f}
agr. poultry keepingHühnerhaltung {f}
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A 2021-02-17: Keeping it simple, +Good for the soul+ might work
Q 2019-03-16: Keeping silent vs. keeping quiet
A 2018-06-06: up-keeping
A 2018-01-21: Informally also: I admire +you+ keeping on making good choices.
A 2018-01-21: I admire youR keeping on making good choices
Q 2018-01-21: "I admire you keeping on making good choices"
A 2017-05-07: Alternatives: Owning pet animals is getting more expensive. Or "Keeping ...."
Q 2016-10-06: Ruhezeit (= keeping quiet)
A 2016-08-01: Keuschhaltung > keeping chaste
Q 2016-07-03: Hope you're keeping perfect
Q 2015-04-06: in the hope of keeping/to keep
Q 2015-02-17: keeping up with my kids
A 2014-11-20: Surely keeping an eye on new words coming into the language is part of the...
A 2014-11-04: keeping a straight face / expression
Q 2014-05-27: keep on keeping on
A 2014-01-15: mit um...zu and keeping your text as much as possible
A 2013-01-17: @dearjag: Agree— keeping the AU English terms is a good idea.
A 2013-01-09: Oh I see - stock keeping unit .... http://www.businessdictionary.com/de...
A 2012-10-30: More likely: "lane control / active lane control / lane-keeping control" i...
A 2012-08-04: Keeping track

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