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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: kenntnisfreies Protokoll
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: kenntnisfreies Protokoll

Translation 1 - 68 of 68

comp. math. zero-knowledge protocol <ZKP>kenntnisfreies Protokoll {n}
Partial Matches
journal [minutes]Protokoll {n}
listingProtokoll {n}
comp. logProtokoll {n}
minuteProtokoll {n}
admin. proceedings {pl} [record, written minutes]Protokoll {n}
procès-verbal [rare]Protokoll {n}
record [minutes]Protokoll {n}
law record of proceedingsProtokoll {n}
reportProtokoll {n}
law transcriptProtokoll {n}
pol. protocolProtokoll {n} [Regelwerk]
minutes {pl} [summarized record]Protokoll {n} [Sitzungsprotokoll]
for the record {adv}fürs Protokoll
pol. according to protocol {adv}nach Protokoll
for the record {adv}zu Protokoll
to keep the minutesProtokoll führen
med. Bruce ProtocolBruce-Protokoll {n}
biotech. Chelex protocolChelex-Protokoll {n}
law court records {pl}gerichtliches Protokoll {n}
ecol. pol. Kyoto ProtocolKyoto-Protokoll {n}
MedTech. scanning protocolScan-Protokoll {n}
stenographic protocolstenographisches Protokoll {n}
Internet stateful protocolzustandsbehaftetes Protokoll {n}
Internet stateless protocolzustandsloses Protokoll {n}
ecol. Kyoto ProtocolKioto-Protokoll {n} [Rsv.]
Unverified let the record show [idiom](nur) fürs Protokoll
for the record {adv}für das Protokoll
pol. according to the protocol {adv}nach dem Protokoll
just for the record {adv} <JFTR>nur fürs Protokoll
placed on record {adj} {past-p}zu Protokoll gegeben
to adopt the minutesdas Protokoll annehmen
to observe protocoldas Protokoll einhalten
to keep the minutesdas Protokoll führen
to take the minutesdas Protokoll führen
to draw up the minutesdas Protokoll niederschreiben
to write the minutesdas Protokoll niederschreiben
to read the minutes [aloud]das Protokoll verlesen
to go on record as saying ...zu Protokoll geben
law to put on recordzu Protokoll geben
to put on recordzu Protokoll nehmen
letter accompanying the protocolBegleitschreiben {n} zum Protokoll
FireResc med. first aid recordErste-Hilfe-Protokoll {n}
comp. math. zero-knowledge protocol <ZKP>Null-Wissen-Protokoll {m}
comp. server-client protocolServer-Client-Protokoll {n}
lit. F The Sigma Protocol [Robert Ludlum]Das Sigma-Protokoll
film lit. F The Fourth Protocol [novel: Frederick Forsyth, film: John Mackenzie]Das vierte Protokoll
comp. protocol converterProtokoll-Konverter {m} [Datenübertragungs-Codes]
to enter sth. on the recordsetw. ins Protokoll aufnehmen
to enter sth. in the minutesetw. zu Protokoll nehmen
law on record at the court registry {adv}zu Protokoll der Geschäftsstelle
to offend against protocolgegen das Protokoll verstoßen
comp. link-state routing protocolLink-State-Routing-Protokoll {n}
pol. follow-up to the Kyoto ProtocolNachfolgevertrag {m} zum Kyoto-Protokoll
comp. telecom. wireless application protocol <WAP>Protokoll {n} für schnurlose Anwendungen
film F Mission: ImpossibleGhost Protocol [Brad Bird]Mission: ImpossiblePhantom Protokoll
law to depose sth.etw.Akk. zu Protokoll geben
to have sth. put on recordetw.Akk. zu Protokoll geben
to put sth. on recordetw.Akk. zu Protokoll nehmen
to take sth. down in evidenceetw.Akk. zu Protokoll nehmen
to enter sth. in the minutesetw. in das Protokoll aufnehmen
comp. Simple Network Management Protocol <SNMP>Protokoll {n} zur Fernwartung von Servern
comp. telecom. link level protocol <LLP>LLP-Protokoll {n} [selten: Link-Level-Protokoll]
comp. Internet Remote Desktop Protocol <RDP>Remote-Desktop-Protokoll {n} <RDP> [auch: Remotedesktopprotokoll]
to write the minutes from memorydas Protokoll aus dem Gedächtnis niederschreiben
to say sth. in one's statement [to the police]etw.Akk. zu Protokoll geben [bei der Polizei]
ecol. pol. Montreal Protocol (on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer)Montrealer Protokoll {n} (über Stoffe, die zu einem Abbau der Ozonschicht führen)
comp. voice over internet protocol <VoIP>Internet-Protokoll-Telefonie {f} <IP-Telefonie>
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