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English-German translation for: kinase
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Dictionary English German: kinase

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NOUN   a kinase | kinases
NOUN   die Kinase | die Kinasen
biochem. kinase
Kinase {f}
2 Words: Nouns
biochem. acetate kinase <AK>Acetatkinase {f}
biochem. adenosine kinaseAdenosinkinase {f}
biochem. adenylate kinase <AK, ADK>Adenylatkinase {f} <AK, ADK>
biochem. aspartate kinaseAspartatkinase {f}
biochem. aurora kinase <AK>Aurorakinase {f} <AK>
biochem. creatine kinase <CK>Kreatinkinase {f} <CK>
biochem. glycerate kinaseGlyceratkinase {f}
biochem. guanylate kinaseGuanylatkinase {f}
biochem. histidine kinase <HK>Histidinkinase {f} <HK>
biochem. homoserine kinase <HSK>Homoserinkinase {f} <HSK>
biochem. homoserine kinase <HSK>Homoserin-Kinase {f}
biochem. Janus kinase <JAK>Januskinase {f} <JAK>
biochem. kinase activityKinaseaktivität {f}
biochem. kinase domainKinasedomäne {f}
biochem. kinase familyKinasefamilie {f}
biochem. kinase familyKinasenfamilie {f} [seltener] [Kinasefamilie]
biochem. kinase reactionKinase-Reaktion {f}
biochem. lipid kinaseLipidkinase {f}
biochem. mevalonate kinaseMevalonatkinase {f}
biochem. pantothenate kinasePantothenatkinase {f}
biochem. phosphoglycerate kinasePhosphoglycerat-Kinase {f}
biochem. phosphorylase kinase <PhK>Phosphorylase-Kinase {f}
biochem. biol. protein kinaseProteinkinase {f}
biochem. pyridoxal kinasePyridoxalkinase {f}
biochem. pyruvate kinase <PK>Pyruvatkinase {f} <PK>
biochem. receptor kinaseRezeptorkinase {f}
biochem. shikimate kinase <SK>Shikimatkinase {f} <SK>
biochem. thiamine kinaseThiaminkinase {f}
biochem. thymidine kinase <TK>Thymidinkinase {f} <TK>
biochem. tyrosine kinaseTyrosinkinase {f}
biochem. uridine kinase <UK>Uridinkinase {f} <UK>
3 Words: Nouns
biochem. cell cycle kinaseZellzyklus-Kinase {f}
biochem. cyclin-dependent kinase <CDK>Cyclin-abhängige Kinase {f} <CDK>
biochem. cytosolic tyrosine kinasezytosolische Tyrosinkinase {f}
biochem. nucleoside diphosphate kinase <NDPK>Nukleosiddiphosphatkinase {f} <NDPK>
biochem. nucleoside diphosphate kinase <NDPK>Nukleosid-Diphosphat-Kinase {f} <NDPK>
biochem. protein kinase C <PKC>Proteinkinase C {f} <PKC>
med. protein kinase inhibitor <PKI>Proteinkinaseinhibitor {m} [auch: Proteinkinase-Inhibitor] <PKI>
biochem. pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase <PDK>Pyruvatdehydrogenase-Kinase {f} <PDK>
biochem. pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase <PDK>Pyruvat-Dehydrogenase-Kinase {f} <PDK>
med. pharm. pyruvate kinase testPyruvatkinasetest {m}
biochem. receptor tyrosine kinaseRezeptortyrosinkinase {f}
biochem. receptor tyrosine kinase <RTK>Rezeptor-Tyrosinkinase {f} <RTK>
biochem. serine-threonine kinase <STK>Serin-Threonin-Kinase {f} <STK>
med. tyrosine kinase activityTyrosinkinase-Aktivität {f}
pharm. tyrosine kinase inhibitorTyrosinkinase-Hemmer {m}
pharm. tyrosine kinase inhibitor <TKI>Tyrosinkinase-Inhibitor {m} <TKI> [auch: Tyrosinkinaseinhibitor]
pharm. tyrosine kinase inhibitors <TKIs>Tyrosinkinase-Inhibitoren {pl} <TKI> [Tyrosinkinaseinhibitoren]
biochem. tyrosine kinase receptorTyrosinkinaserezeptor {m} [auch: Tyrosinkinase-Rezeptor]
pharm. tyrosine-kinase inhibitor <TKI>Tyrosinkinasehemmer {m} <TKI>
4 Words: Nouns
biochem. mitogen-activated protein kinase <MAP kinase>mitogenaktivierte Proteinkinase {f} <MAP-Kinase>
med. pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration <PKAN>Neurodegeneration {f} mit Eisenablagerung im Gehirn
5+ Words: Nouns
med. pharm. pyruvate kinase isoenzyme type M2 <PKM2>Pyruvatkinase-Isoenzym {n} Typ M2 <PKM2>
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