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Dictionary English German: kingdom

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NOUN   a kingdom | kingdoms
SYNO   kingdom | realm | land
Königreich {n}
Reich {n} [Königreich]
biol. bot. zool. kingdom [regnum]Regnum {n} [Reich]
2 Words: Nouns
zool. animal kingdomTierreich {n}
zool. animal kingdomTierwelt {f}
geogr. hist. Bosporan KingdomBosporanisches Reich {n}
hist. elective kingdomWahlreich {n}
bot. floristic kingdomFlorenreich {n}
hist. Frankish kingdomFränkisches Reich {n}
frog kingdom [all frog species taken together]Froschreich {n}
bibl. hist. pol. Hasmonean kingdomhasmonäisches Königreich {n}
pol. hermit kingdomEinsiedlerkönigreich {n}
hist. Hunnish kingdomHunnenreich {n}
relig. intermediate kingdomZwischenreich {n}
island kingdomInselreich {n}
kingdom comeJenseits {n}
relig. kingdom hall [of Jehovah's Witnesses]Königreichssaal {m} [der Zeugen Jehovas]
hist. Lombard kingdomLangobardenreich {n}
magic kingdomZauberreich {n}
hist. Merovingian kingdomMerowingerreich {n}
relig. messianic kingdom [also: Messianic kingdom]Messiasreich {n}
hist. Middle Kingdom [China]Reich {n} der Mitte
hist. Middle Kingdom [Egypt]Mittleres Reich {n}
mineral kingdomMineralreich {n}
mountain kingdomBergkönigreich {n}
archaeo. hist. New Kingdom [Egypt]Neues Reich {n} [Ägypten]
hist. Old Kingdom [Egypt]Altes Reich {n} [Ägypten]
hist. Parthian kingdomPartherreich {n}
bibl. peaceable kingdomFriedensreich {n}
relig. peaceful kingdomFriedensreich {n}
hist. pol. petty kingdomKleinkönigreich {n}
hist. Pharaonic kingdomPharaonenreich {n}
bot. plant kingdomPflanzenreich {n}
bot. plant kingdomPflanzenwelt {f}
geogr. hist. pol. Ryukyu KingdomKönigreich {n} Ryūkyū
hist. pol. travelling kingdomReisekönigtum {n}
geogr. United Kingdom <UK>Vereinigtes Königreich {n}
hist. Vandal kingdomVandalenreich {n}
vegetable kingdomPflanzenreich {n}
hist. Visigothic kingdomWestgotenreich {n}
relig. world kingdomWeltreich {n}
hist. Zulu KingdomKönigreich {n} Zululand
3 Words: Others
bibl. thy kingdom comedein Reich komme
till kingdom come {adv} [coll.]bis in alle Ewigkeit
until kingdom come {adv} [coll.]bis in alle Ewigkeit
3 Words: Nouns
geogr. (Kingdom of) Eswatini [Swaziland] [also: eSwatini](Königreich) Eswatini {n} [Swasiland] [auch: eSwatini]
hist. Kingdom of Aksum [also: kingdom of Aksum]Aksumitisches Reich {n}
geogr. pol. Kingdom of BahrainKönigreich {n} Bahrain
hist. Kingdom of BavariaKönigreich {n} Bayern
geogr. pol. Kingdom of BelgiumKönigreich {n} Belgien
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Q 2023-06-22: Note to Maxi Huber re United Kingdom
Q 2023-06-21: Ist es falsch, wenn ich United Kingdom mit Großbritannien übersetze?
A 2022-04-10: gemeint ist wohl: Das Reich der Schwarz-Alben, the Kingdom of the black Elves
A 2016-03-06: So sorry. 6 Mar 2016 Mothering Sunday > Ireland / United Kingdom / Jersey...
Q 2015-05-04: Großbritannien - Great Britain oder United Kingdom?
A 2013-06-28: UK is the short form of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern I...
Q 2013-01-02: kingdom
A 2012-10-23: UK = United Kingdom = das Vereinigte Königreich
A 2012-03-20: either "Kingdom of champagne" (noun) or "full of champagne" (adjective)
A 2011-03-14: Kingdom principles
Q 2011-03-14: Kingdom principles (rel.)
Q 2010-12-01: beauty shines bright (all) over/around the kingdom?/ terrible female person?
A 2010-08-21: I would say it's a reference to the 'Kingdom of God' or the 'Kingdom of Heaven.'
A 2009-06-19: Wales is no kingdom, it is a principality; the Prince of Wales translates ...
A 2009-06-19: No. England cannot be called United Kingdom, Great Britain or Britain
A 2009-05-04: So "Rule a kingdom as though you wee cooking a small fish. Don't overdo i...
A 2009-05-03: Rule a kingdom as though you were cooking a small fish.
A 2009-02-05: the UK, United Kingdom, Britain
A 2009-02-01: Do you mean England or Great Britain or the United Kingdom? Here's what yo...
A 2008-11-21: United Kingdom // UK

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