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English-German translation for: kitchen equipment
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Dictionary English German: kitchen equipment

Translation 1 - 50 of 924  >>

NOUN   kitchen equipment | -
kitchen equipmentKüchenausrüstung {f}
gastr. kitchen equipmentKüchenausstattung {f}
Partial Matches
kitchenKüche {f} [Raum]
kitchen {adj} [attr.]Küchen-
gastr. kitchen-ready {adj}küchenfertig
(farmhouse) kitchenKuchl {f} [südd.] [österr.] [veraltend]
gastr. tools (kitchen) graterKüchenreibe {f}
gastr. (kitchen) strainerKüchensieb {n}
gastr. (kitchen) trowelBratenwender {m} [Pfannenwender, Küchenfreund]
back kitchenhintere Küche {f}
med. MedTech. barium kitchenBreiküche {f}
camp kitchenLagerküche {f}
canteen kitchenGroßküche {f}
castle kitchenBurgküche {f}
central kitchenHauptküche {f}
coffee kitchenKaffeeküche {f}
commercial kitchenGroßküche {f}
gastr. common kitchenGemeinschaftsküche {f}
gastr. communal kitchenGemeinschaftsküche {f}
gastr. competition kitchenWettbewerbsküche {f}
designer kitchenDesignerküche {f}
dream kitchenTraumküche {f}
gastr. mil. field kitchenFeldküche {f}
gastr. mil. field kitchenGulaschkanone {f} [hum.]
fitted kitchenausgestattete Küche {f}
furn. fitted kitchenEinbauküche {f}
archi. hist. Frankfurt kitchenFrankfurter Küche {f}
gastr. market. ghost kitchenGeisterküche {f} [virtuelles Restaurant]
gastr. market. ghost kitchenGhost Kitchen {f} [Geisterküche]
gastr. gourmet kitchenGourmetküche {f}
guest kitchenGästeküche {f}
gastr. hotel kitchenHotelküche {f}
huge kitchenenorm große Küche {f}
gastr. industrial kitchenIndustrieküche {f}
toys kiddie kitchenSpielzeugküche {f}
kitchen accessoriesKüchenzubehör {n}
kitchen applianceKüchengerät {n}
kitchen appliancesKüchengeräte {pl}
gastr. kitchen appliances {pl}Küchenausstattung {f}
cloth. kitchen apronKüchenschürze {f}
kitchen areaKüchenbereich {m}
gastr. jobs kitchen assistantsKüchenhilfen {pl}
gastr. kitchen balanceKüchenwaage {f}
gastr. tools kitchen bowlKüchenschüssel {f}
jobs kitchen boyKüchenjunge {m}
pol. kitchen cabinetKüchenkabinett {n} [inoffizielle Beratungsrunde pol. Schwergewichte]
furn. kitchen cabinetKüchenschrank {m}
archi. constr. RealEst. kitchen ceilingKüchendecke {f}
furn. kitchen chairKüchenstuhl {m}
gastr. jobs kitchen chefMaître {m} de Cuisine [Küchenchef, Küchenmeister]
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