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English-German translation for: kitten
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Dictionary English German: kitten

Translation 1 - 36 of 36


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NOUN   a kitten | kittens
SYNO   kitten | kitty
NOUN   das Kitten | -
VERB   kitten | kittete | gekittet
SYNO   kitten | kleben | kleistern | leimen ... 
constr. to caulk
to putty
kitten [Fenster etc.]
to patch sth. [cement] [also fig.]
etw. kitten [auch fig.]
to cement
entom. to glue (sth.) [bees]
(etw.Akk.) kitten [fachspr.]
zool. kitten [young cat]
Kätzchen {n} [junge Katze]
zool. kitten [young cat]
Katzenbaby {n} [ugs.] [Katzenjunges]
zool. kitten [the young of several animals, such as the cat, rabbit, rat, hedgehog, squirrel, fox or badger]
Junges {n} [z. B. bei Katzen, Kaninchen, Ratten, Igeln, Eichhörnchen, Füchsen oder Dachsen]
zool. kitten [young cat]
Katzenjunges {n}
zool. kitten
Katzerl {n} [österr.] [südd.]
kittenChätzli {n} [schweiz.] [Kätzchen]
zool. kittenKätzlein {n}
zool. kittenKätzli {n} [schweiz.]
2 Words: Nouns
cloth. kitten heelKitten-Heel-Absatz {m} [dünner Stummelabsatz bei Damenschuhen]
zool. lynx kittenLuchsjunges {n}
zool. ocelot kittenOzelotbaby {n} [auch: Ozelot-Baby]
zool. ocelot kittenOzelotjunges {n} [auch: Ozelot-Junges]
zool. rat kittenRattenwelpe {m}
sex kitten [coll.]Betthäschen {n} [hum.] [ugs.]
sex kitten [coll.]Sexbiene {f} [ugs.]
sex kitten [sl.]Sexpuppe {f} [ugs.] [sexy Mädchen, Frau]
zool. squirrel kittenjunges Eichhörnchen {n}
sweet kittenliebes Kätzchen {n}
zool. tom-kittenjunger Kater {m}
3 Words: Verbs
to fix one's relationshipseine Beziehung kitten [ugs.]
3 Words: Nouns
VetMed. fading kitten syndromeneonatale Isoerythrolyse {f} [bei Katzen]
5+ Words: Others
as weak as a kitten {adj} [idiom]völlig kraftlos
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
entom. T
zool. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
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A 2018-03-30: He*s smitten as a kitten
A 2018-02-16: Wollmaus, Lurch etc. > clump of dust, dust bunny / kitten / kitty / mouse (US)
Q 2017-02-23: covered in a kitten
A 2010-09-30: orphan kitten
A 2010-09-30: Yes, agree. And the "little orphan kitten" is an obvious fabrication...... :-))
A 2009-09-28: @kitten, i'll give you a wee w. s. maugham quote, "...her ideal was a Germ...
A 2009-09-09: dancing dog? sleeping kitten? isn't it "while the cat's away -- the mice w...
A 2009-09-04: it would be very easily imaginable, pace kitten, to say, while i'm living ...
A 2009-09-01: are you a grown adult, kitten, or just having me on?
A 2009-09-01: thanks kitten, the automatic "apple" spell ckeck --though set for BE -- ne...
A 2009-08-14: @kitten: this is the shortened version of the much wittier longer original...
A 2009-08-12: kitten. must take you to the deli sometime.
A 2007-03-15: rabbit: bunny, kit, kitten, nestling, leveret
A 2007-03-15: it is a kitten I think
Q 2005-12-03: handlungsmuster? kitten im uebertragenen sinne?
A 2005-11-16: turn a gaz-guzzing dinosaur into a gently purring kitten
A 2004-04-22: not necessarily married, but certainly involved with someone and totally s...

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