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English-German translation for: klagende Partei
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Dictionary English German: klagende Partei

Translation 1 - 50 of 155  >>

law suitorklagende Partei {f}
Partial Matches
querulous voiceklagende Stimme {f}
film lit. F Wailing Widow [Harry Potter]Klagende Witwe {f}
mus. F The Song of Lamentation [also: The Sorrowful Song]Das klagende Lied [Gustav Mahler]
pol. factional {adj}partei-
law pol. partyPartei {f}
to take sidesPartei ergreifen
pol. anarchist partyanarchistische Partei {f}
law applicant partyantragstellende Partei {f}
law filing partyantragstellende Partei {f}
pol. bandwagonerfolgreiche Partei {f}
law acquiring partyerwerbende Partei {f}
pol. progressive partyfortschrittliche Partei {f}
pol. progressive partyfreisinnige Partei {f}
pol. middle-of-the-road partygemäßigte Partei {f}
law aggrieved partygeschädigte Partei {f}
law injured partygeschädigte Partei {f}
hist. pol. Young Egypt Party [1933-1953]Jungägyptische Partei {f}
pol. Conservative Partykonservative Partei {f}
law party liable for costskostenpflichtige Partei {f}
warring partykriegsführende Partei {f}
pol. LabourLabour-Partei {f}
pol. Labour PartyLabour-Partei {f}
hist. pol. National Liberal Party [Germany]Nationalliberale Partei {f}
pol. nazi partyNazi-Partei {f}
law prevailing partyobsiegende Partei {f}
law party exercising an optionoptionausübende Partei {f}
pol. political partypolitische Partei {f}
law litigantprozessführende Partei {f}
pol. extremist partyradikale Partei {f}
law defaulting partysäumige Partei {f}
law party entitled to damagesschadenersatzberechtigte Partei {f}
law damaging partyschädigende Partei {f}
law party at faultschuldige Partei {f}
pol. Socialist PartySozialistische Partei {f}
pol. traditional governing partystaatstragende Partei {f}
law contestantstreitende Partei {f}
law pol. defeated partyunterlegene Partei {f}
law party in breach of contractvertragsbrüchige Partei {f}
law contracting partyvertragschließende Partei {f}
hist. pol. Wafd Party [1919-1952]Wafd-Partei {f}
law party entitled to paymentzahlungsberechtigte Partei {f}
RealEst. tenant [in a block of flats]Partei {f} [in Mietshaus]
to come in on sb.'s sidejds. Partei ergreifen
to take sb.'s partjds. Partei ergreifen
to take sb.'s sidejds. Partei ergreifen
to be biased [Br.]Partei sein [fig.]
pol. Democratic Party [USA]Demokratische Partei {f} [USA]
hist. pol. German People's PartyDeutschvölkische Partei {f} <DVP>
hist. pol. German Völkisch PartyDeutschvölkische Partei {f} <DVP>
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