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English-German translation for: know how
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Dictionary English German: know how

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NOUN   know-how | -
NOUN   das Know-how | -
SYNO   Ahnung [ugs.] | Fähigkeit | Kenntnis ... 
SEE ALSO  knowhow
expertiseKnow-how {n}
savvy [coll.]Know-how {n}
know howFachwissen {n}
know howKnowhow {n}
know-howAnwendungswissen {n}
know-howErfahrung {f}
know-howFachwissen {n}
know-howHandlungswissen {n}
know-howKnowhow {n}
know-howKompetenz {f} [Fachwissen]
know-howSachkenntnis {f}
know-howSachverstand {m}
know-howGewusst-wie {n}
know-howKnow-how {n}
know-howpraktische Erfahrung {f}
know-how {sg}Fachkenntnisse {pl}
to be street-smartKnow-how haben
to know how sb. feelswissen, wie jdm. zumute ist
corporate know-howFirmenwissen {n}
expert know-howExpertenwissen {n}
know-how transferWissenstransfer {m}
know-how transferKnow-how-Transfer {m}
marketing know-howVertriebserfahrung {f}
practical know-howpraktische Fertigkeiten {pl}
requisite know-howRüstzeug {n} [Wissen]
technical know-howtechnisches Fachwissen {n}
technical know-how {sg}Fachkenntnisse {pl}
idiom How do you know?Woher willst du das wissen?
How would I know?Woher soll ich das wissen?
to know how things stand [coll.]wissen, woran man ist
to know how things stand [coll.]wissen, wie man dran ist [ugs.]
to know how things stand [coll.]wissen, wo man dran ist [ugs.]
to know how to drivewissen, wie man Auto fährt
law know-how licence agreement [Br.]Know-how-Lizenzvertrag {m}
law know-how license agreement [Am.]Know-how-Lizenzvertrag {m}
Do you know how to ski?Kannst du Ski fahren?
He didn't know how to swim, I did.Er konnte nicht schwimmen, ich schon.
He doesn't know how to behave.Er kann sich nicht benehmen.
He'll never know how much he means to me.Er wird nie wissen, wie viel er mir bedeutet.
How am I supposed to know? [idiom]Woher soll ich das wissen?
How could he be expected to know that?Wie soll er das wissen?
How did you know about that?Woher hast du das gewusst?
How did you know about the ...?Woher wusstest du von ...?
How do we know that ... ?Und woher sollen wir wissen, dass ... ?
How do you know all (of) that?Woher weißt du das alles?
How does he know that?Woher weiß er das?
How stupid are they? Don't they know that ... [coll.]Wie dumm sind die eigentlich? Wissen die denn nicht, dass ... [ugs.]
How the hell should I know? [coll.]Woher zum Teufel soll ich das wissen? [ugs.]
How was I to know? [idiom]Woher sollte ich das wissen?
How well I know them!Ich kenne meine Pappenheimer! [Redewendung]
I don't know how to begin.Ich weiß nicht, wie ich anfangen soll.
I don't know how to spell it.Keine Ahnung, wie sich das schreibt. [ugs.]
I don't know how to tackle it.Ich weiß nicht, wie ich es anfangen soll.
I know how it works.Ich weiß, wie es geht.
I'd love to know, how ...Ich würde (zu) gerne wissen, wie ...
She'll never know how much she means to me.Sie wird nie wissen, wie viel sie mir bedeutet.
You know how mothers are.Du weißt ja, wie Mütter (so) sind.
You know how that story goes.Den Rest können Sie sich denken. [formelle Anrede]
to know how to employ sth. profitablyetw. nutzbringend einzusetzen wissen
to know how to go about sth.etw.Dat. den richtigen Dreh geben können [fig.] [etw. geschickt erledigen können]
to know, without knowing how, that ...wissen, ohne zu wissen, woher, dass ...
to not know how to take sb.'s replynicht wissen, wie man jds. Antwort verstehen soll
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A 2020-01-29: @ Serge: I agree and suggest to undelete your entry. You know how to do that?
A 2018-11-28: Thanks! But I still dont know how to translate this phrase
A 2017-11-09: Suggestions: We both know how this goes \ Well, both of us know what will ...
A 2016-08-30: I don't know how he managed to pass the exam. I guess, he has cheated.
A 2016-08-13: Is the original intended to be "+I'd+ just like to know how this works"?
A 2016-04-12: Dervina Firming Cream: Know how it works?
A 2015-10-25: In English, equally few journalists know how to use the pluperfect. They h...
A 2015-10-17: It's ambiguous, particularly so because we know how bad the translations i...
A 2014-06-13: I don't know how baking powder is sold in the States,
A 2014-04-11: thanks but I still don't know how to say auf kopie in English.
A 2013-11-20: Do not really know how to relate "Schäkel" to log dog
Q 2013-11-06: "we are out for all the people, who don't know how to say: ..."
A 2013-08-24: ...wanted to know that = wanted to know how to lead people to Jesus. Sth. like:
A 2013-06-12: "It's easy when you know how..."
A 2013-03-15: romy, "lawyer in Germany" is a good thing. Please let us know how it goes.
A 2013-03-10: I don't know how old you are. Or less often - I don't know your age.
A 2013-02-09: :-) Do they know how to find Germany on a globe?
A 2012-12-20: Yeah, I don't know how reliable that source is, either.
A 2012-12-11: I don't know how the birds see it...;)
A 2012-11-18: @sunfunlili : thanks! Just proves I don't know how to spell in my own language!

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