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English-German translation for: kommutatives Diagramm
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Dictionary English German: kommutatives Diagramm

Translation 1 - 50 of 93  >>

math. commutative diagramkommutatives Diagramm {n}
Partial Matches
med. pressure-volume diagram <PVD, pV diagram, P-V diagram>Druck-Volumen-Diagramm {n} <p-v-Diagramm>
comp. entity-relationship diagram <ERD, ER diagram>Entity-Relationship-Diagramm {n} <ERD, ER-Diagramm>
electr. pole-zero plot <P-Z plot, PZ plot>Pol-Nullstellen-Diagramm {n} <PN-Diagramm>
math. commutative monoidkommutatives Monoid {n}
chartDiagramm {n}
diagramDiagramm {n}
tech. diagrammatic overviewDiagramm {n}
graphDiagramm {n}
plan chartDiagramm {n}
plot [esp. Am.] [diagram]Diagramm {n}
schemeDiagramm {n}
dent. anatomic dental chartinganatomisches Diagramm {n}
math. Argand diagramArgand-Diagramm {n}
audio electr. Bode diagramBode-Diagramm {n}
audio electr. Bode plotBode-Diagramm {n}
electr. frequency-response characteristics {pl}Bode-Diagramm {n}
math. Bratteli diagramBratteli-Diagramm {n}
comp. choreography diagramChoreografie-Diagramm {n}
container diagramContainer-Diagramm {n}
three-line diagramDreilinien-Diagramm {n}
math. Euler diagramEuler-Diagramm {n}
phys. Feynman diagramFeynman-Diagramm {n}
comm. QM fishbone diagramFischgräten-Diagramm {n}
econ. Gantt chartGantt-Diagramm {n}
dent. geometric dental chartinggeometrisches Diagramm {n}
chem. phys. Grotrian diagramGrotrian-Diagramm {n}
chem. phys. term diagramGrotrian-Diagramm {n}
math. Hasse diagramHasse-Diagramm {n}
biochem. Hill diagramHill-Diagramm {n}
geol. hydro. Hjulström diagram [also: Hjulström's diagram]Hjulström-Diagramm {n}
QM Fishikawa [Ishikawa diagram, fishbone diagram]Ishikawa-Diagramm {n}
comm. QM Ishikawa diagramIshikawa-Diagramm {n}
logical diagramlogisches Diagramm {n}
constr. engin. mass haul diagramMassenausgleichsplan-Diagramm {n}
phys. Minkowski diagramMinkowski-Diagramm {n}
pol. Nolan chartNolan-Diagramm {n}
QM stat. Pareto chartPareto-Diagramm {n}
QM stat. Pareto diagramPareto-Diagramm {n}
astron. phys. Penrose diagramPenrose-Diagramm {n}
tech. PERT chartPERT-Diagramm {n}
phys. penguin diagramPinguin-Diagramm {n}
chem. tech. Eh-pH diagramPourbaix-Diagramm {n}
chem. tech. Pourbaix diagramPourbaix-Diagramm {n}
Ragone chartRagone-Diagramm {n}
Ragone plotRagone-Diagramm {n}
chem. Ramachandran diagramRamachandran-Diagramm {n}
biochem. Ribbon diagramRibbon-Diagramm {n}
spec. Sankey diagramSankey-Diagramm {n}
biochem. Scatchard diagramScatchard-Diagramm {n}
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