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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: krankes Bein
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krankes Bein in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: krankes Bein

Translation 1 - 50 of 86  >>

NOUN   das kranke Bein/ein krankes Bein | die kranken Beine
med. bad legkrankes Bein {n}
med. ill legkrankes Bein {n}
Partial Matches
sick fuck [vulg.] [term of abuse]krankes Arschloch {n} [vulg.] [Schimpfwort]
a lame duck [idiom]ein krankes Huhn {n} [Redewendung]
legBein {n}
econ. legBein {n} [MLM]
med. bandaged legbandagiertes Bein {n}
med. Barbados legBarbados-Bein {n}
med. broken leggebrochenes Bein {n}
med. artificial legkünstliches Bein {n}
game leglahmes Bein {n}
anat. left leglinkes Bein {n}
med. bowleg [Genu varum]O-Bein {n}
med. out-knee [Genu varum]O-Bein {n}
anat. right legrechtes Bein {n}
med. stiff legsteifes Bein {n}
med. in-knee [Genu valgum]X-Bein {n}
med. knock-knee [Genu valgum]X-Bein {n}
anat. footBein {n} [nordd.] [Fuß]
sports foot up [football/soccer]gestrecktes Bein {n} [Fußball]
sports outstretched leg [football / soccer]gestrecktes Bein {n} [Fußball]
sports foot up [football / soccer] [high foot]hohes Bein {n} [Fußball]
med. dodgy leg [Br.] [coll.] [impaired leg]kaputtes Bein {n} [ugs.]
gammy leg [Br.] [coll.]kaputtes Bein {n} [ugs.]
to drag one's leg behind oneselfsein Bein hinterherschleifen
to drag one's leg behind onesein Bein hinterherziehen
to drag one's leg behind oneselfsein Bein hinterherziehen
to drag one's leg behind oneselfsein Bein nachschleifen
med. peripheral arteriesBecken-Bein-Arterien {pl}
bone buttonKnopf {m} aus Bein
med. spasm in the legKrampf {m} im Bein
med. varus malalignmentO-Bein-Fehlstellung {f}
med. valgus malalignmentX-Bein-Fehlstellung {f}
anat. material bone [also material]Bein {n} [Knochen] [auch Material]
MedTech. false leg [coll.] [prosthetic leg]falsches Bein {n} [ugs.] [Beinprothese]
med. leg ulcer [Ulcus cruris]offenes Bein {n} [ugs.] [Beingeschwür]
to trip sb. upjdm. ein Bein stellen
drag [millstone around one's neck]Klotz {m} am Bein [Redewendung]
to be shot in the legam Bein angeschossen sein
to be wounded in the legam Bein verwundet sein
med. to have a pain in the legSchmerzen im Bein haben
the unaffected legdas nicht betroffene Bein {n}
lit. F Fatal Voyage [Kathy Reichs]Durch Mark und Bein
med. leg surgery [operation]Bein-OP {f} [kurz für: Beinoperation]
med. operation on the legBein-OP {f} [kurz für: Beinoperation]
anat. funny bonenarrisches Bein {n} [ugs.] [Musikantenknochen] [österr.]
to put a spoke in sb.'s wheel [coll.] [fig.]jdm. ein Bein stellen [fig.]
to bite sb.'s legjdm./jdn. ins Bein beißen
med. to break a leg(sichDat.) ein Bein brechen
to break one's leg(sichDat.) ein Bein brechen
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Ähnliche Begriffe
kranker Mann
kranker Mann am Bosporus
kranker Typ
krankes Arschloch
• krankes Bein
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krank fühlen
krankgeschrieben sein
krankgeschrieben werden

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