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English-German translation for: labial
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Dictionary English German: labial

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NOUN   a labial | labials
SYNO   labial | labial consonant
ADJ  labial | - | - ... 
NOUN   der Labial | die Labiale
SYNO   labial [fachspr.] | lippenseitig
anat. dent. labial {adj}
labial [Zahnaußenseite bei den Schneide- und Eckzähnen]
anat. med. labial {adj}
[die Lippen betreffend]
anat. phonet. labial {adj}labial
dent. labial {adj}zur Lippe hin
anat. med. zool. labial {adj} [attr.] [e.g. frenulum, fistula, injury, palp]Lippen- [z. B. Bändchen, Fistel, Verletzung, Taster]
anat. dent. labially {adv}labial
phonet. labial
Lippenlaut {m}
phonet. labialLabial {m}
phonet. labialLabiallaut {m}
2 Words: Nouns
anat. labial angle [Angulus oris]Mundwinkel {m}
dent. labial archLabialbogen {m}
zool. labial commissureLabialkommissur {f}
med. labial fistulaLippenfistel {f}
anat. labial frenulum [frenulum labii]Lippenband {n}
anat. labial frenulum [frenulum labii]Lippenbändchen {n}
entom. labial glandLabialdrüse {f}
anat. labial glandsLippendrüsen {pl}
med. labial injuryLippenverletzung {f}
entom. labial maskFangmaske {f}
anat. labial mucosa [Mucosa labialis]Lippenmukosa {f}
anat. labial mucosa [Mucosa labialis]Lippenschleimhaut {f}
zool. labial musculatureLabialmuskulatur {f}
entom. zool. labial palp [Palpus labialis]Lippentaster {m}
mus. labial pipe [organ]Labialpfeife {f} [Orgel]
zool. labial segmentLabialsegment {n}
anat. labial vein [Vena labialis]Lippenvene {f}
phonet. labial vowelgerundeter Vokal {m}
3 Words: Nouns
med. VetMed. infectious labial dermatitis [Ecthyma contagiosum] [orf]ansteckende Pustulardermatitis {f} [Orf]
anat. inferior labial frenulum [frenulum labii inferioris]unteres Lippenbändchen {n}
anat. superior labial frenulum [frenulum labii superioris]oberes Lippenbändchen {n}
4 Words: Nouns
dent. labial surface (of tooth) [Facies labialis dentis]Labialfläche {f} [Zahn]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T Unverified Central Highlands labial-pitted snake [Pseudoboodon sandfordorum]Hochland-Lippengrubennatter {f}
entom. T
entom. zool. T
zool. T Unverified slender labial-pitted snake [Pseudoboodon boehmei]Schlanke Lippengrubennatter {f}
zool. T Unverified striped labial-pitted snake [Pseudoboodon lemniscatus]Gestreifte Lippengrubennatter {f}
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A 2008-07-03: Dürfte schon hinkommen (cf. ... with similar lesions located in the upper ...
A 2007-11-13: nasal labial fold

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