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English-German translation for: laboratory
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Dictionary English German: laboratory

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NOUN   a laboratory | laboratories
SYNO   lab | laboratory | research lab ... 
med. laboratory {adj} [attr.] [chemical analysis]
laboratory {adj} [attr.]Laboratoriums-
Labor {n}
Forschungsstätte {f}
Laboratorium {n}
laboratory [building]Laborgebäude {n}
2 Words: Others
tech. laboratory corrugatedlabormäßig gewellt [Papier]
laboratory diagnostic {adj}labordiagnostisch
acad. laboratory-based {adj}laborgestützt
med. laboratory-confirmed {adj}laborbestätigt
laboratory-diagnostically {adv}labordiagnostisch
tech. laboratory-fluted {adj}laborgewellt [Papier]
tech. laboratory-tested {adj} {past-p}laborgeprüft
2 Words: Nouns
tech. (laboratory) hoodAbzug {m} (im Chemielabor)
educ. (science) laboratory [teaching room for a particular subject, e.g. physics]Fachraum {m}
analysis laboratoryAnalyselabor {n}
analytical laboratoryAnalyselabor {n}
med. VetMed. animal laboratoryTierlabor {n}
bacteriological laboratorybakteriologisches Laboratorium {n}
psych. behavioral laboratory [Am.]Verhaltenslabor {n}
psych. behavioural laboratory [Br.]Verhaltenslabor {n}
biol. biosafety laboratoryBiosicherheitslabor {n}
calibration laboratoryKalibrierlabor {n}
engin. calibration laboratoryKalibrierlaboratorium {n}
QM calibration laboratoryKalibrierstelle {f} [Kalibrierlabor]
MedTech. catheter laboratory <cath lab>Katheterlabor {n}
MedTech. catheterization laboratory <cath lab>Katheterisierungslabor {n}
chem. chemical laboratorychemisches Laboratorium {n}
med. collaborative laboratoryLaborgemeinschaft {f} [Zusammenschluss mehrerer Ärzte]
concrete laboratoryBetonlabor {n}
acad. med. consiliary laboratory <CL>Konsiliarlabor {n} <KL>
acad. consultant laboratoryKonsiliarlabor {n}
chem. pharm. containment laboratoryContainment-Labor {n}
pharm. contract laboratoryAuftragslabor {n}
dent. dental laboratoryDentallabor {n}
dent. dental laboratoryZahnlabor {n}
dent. dental laboratoryzahntechnisches Labor {n}
acad. development laboratoryEntwicklungslabor {n}
ecol. med. VetMed. diagnostic laboratoryDiagnoselaboratorium {n}
med. MedTech. VetMed. diagnostic laboratorydiagnostisches Labor {n}
ecol. nucl. phys. dosimetry laboratoryDosimetrielabor {n}
electromechanics laboratoryElektromechaniklabor {n}
tech. engineering laboratoryTechniklabor {n}
experimental laboratoryVersuchslabor {n}
explosives laboratorySprengstofflabor {n}
film tech. film laboratoryFilmkopierwerk {n}
film tech. film laboratoryFilmlabor {n}
law tech. forensic laboratoryforensisches Labor {n}
law tech. forensic laboratoryforensisches Laboratorium {n}
forensic laboratorygerichtsmedizinisches Labor {n}
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A 2020-01-19: In the German context, +out-of-school laboratory / out-of-school lab+ might fit
Q 2018-02-03: clinical, laboratory, and histologic control
Q 2014-12-04: a not-for-profit research and development laboratory
A 2013-02-26: Kurz für LPC count? Laboratory pastorized count?
A 2011-11-30: http://www.howjsay.com/index.php?word=laboratory&submit=Submit
A 2011-11-30: Heavy Structures Laboratory (HSL)
A 2011-07-24: After looking at sunfunlili's links: laboratory glass (AE)
A 2011-05-05: http://www.google.com/search?rls=en&q=laboratory+rodents&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8
Q 2011-05-05: laboratory rodents
A 2010-09-26: lab = laboratory ?
A 2010-04-12: nachstellen = repeat (under laboratory conditions/for demonstration purposes)
Q 2010-03-17: Laboratory sections
Q 2009-11-06: future workshop (ideas laboratory)
A 2009-03-26: Alister has not taken full use of the opportunity to work in the laborator...
A 2009-02-23: home laboratory
A 2009-02-23: @ Romy: *Wenn* ein Pathologe zu Hause arbeitet, dann sicherlich nicht in e...
A 2009-01-31: +Antestat+ seems to occur in the context of laboratory training or practic...
A 2008-08-19: This would overstretch (both) the capacity of the laboratory and its resources
A 2008-08-19: This would overstrain the laboratory capacities and resources.
Q 2008-07-08: laboratory variables

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