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Dictionary English German: lace

Translation 1 - 50 of 231  >>

English German
NOUN1   a lace | laces
NOUN2   lace [fabric] | -
VERB  to lace | laced | laced ... 
SYNO   to lace | to lace up | lace | lacing ... 
to lace
to lace
to lace sth. [interweave]
etw.Akk. verflechten
electr. to lace
abbinden [Kabel]
to lace
gastr. to lace [add a dash of liquor to]einen Schuss Alkohol zugeben
Schnur {f}
textil. lace
Spitze {f}
cloth. lace
Senkel {m}
tech. lace
Kabelbinder {m}
cloth. lace [for shoe, corset]
Schnürband {n}
textil. lace
Spitzenborte {f}
cloth. lace
Litze {f}
laceNestel {f} [regional] [Band, Schnur]
2 Words: Others
lace-decorated {adj}spitzenverziert
cloth. lace-trimmed {adj}spitzenbesetzt
2 Words: Verbs
to lace (into sb./sth.) [Am.] [coll.] [to attack]jdn./etw. attackieren
to lace in [a corset]einschnüren
to lace in [a corset]lacieren [einschnüren, mit Band durchflechten]
to lace upzusammenschnüren
to lace with sth.mit einer Prise (von) etw. versetzen
2 Words: Nouns
textil. blonde lace [also: blond lace]Seidenspitze {f} [Spitze aus Rohseide, auch z. B. Chantilly-Spitze]
textil. bobbin laceKlöppelspitze {f}
textil. bone laceKlöppelspitze {f}
cloth. boot laceSchnürsenkel {m}
textil. Brussels laceBrüsseler Spitze {f}
textil. Chantilly laceChantillyspitze {f}
cloth. corset laceKorsettschnur {f}
textil. delicate lacezarte Spitze {f}
textil. French lacefranzösische Spitze {f}
optics glasses laceBrillenband {n}
textil. guipure laceLuftspitze {f}
hairpin laceGabelhäkelei {f}
cloth. lace blouseSpitzenbluse {f}
tools lace bobbinKlöppel {m}
ind. textil. lace bobbinKlöppelspule {f}
cloth. lace bodySpitzenbody {m}
cloth. lace bodySpitzen-Body {m}
textil. lace borderSpitzenbordüre {f}
textil. lace borderSpitzensaum {m}
cloth. lace braSpitzen-BH {m} [BH aus (mit) Spitze]
cloth. lace briefs {pl} [one pair]Spitzenslip {m}
textil. lace clothSpitzenstoff {m}
textil. lace clothSpitzentuch {n}
cloth. lace collarSpitzenkragen {m}
cloth. lace corsageSpitzenkorsage {f}
cloth. lace corsetSpitzenkorsett {n}
lace curtainSpitzengardine {f}
lace doilySpitzendeckchen {n}
cloth. lace dressSpitzenkleid {n}
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Q 2023-06-25: Kann "toe" auch die Sinnebene "lace" haben?
A 2016-11-23: Perhaps not exactly lace?
A 2016-11-22: Bobbin lace?
A 2016-11-22: Warum denn nicht analog zum Deutschen +Schlingenmacherei (Art von Spitzene...
A 2016-11-22: What about +loop making?+ Making loops, after all, is an integral part of ...
A 2016-11-22: There are hundreds of types of lace
Q 2013-09-09: lace (Motorradlackierung)
A 2012-10-11: http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/lace?region=us&q=lace
Q 2012-10-11: lace out
A 2012-03-24: lace fabric shoes
Q 2012-03-24: lace shoe
A 2010-05-26: there's bekloppt and bedröppelt, beklöppelt would be, eg, bobbin lace maki...
A 2010-02-19: attractive lace = fine .... wo, wird ja noch gesagt ...
Q 2010-01-25: mounted lace-pillow
A 2009-12-22: This thread gets more weirderer by the minute. Time to lace my tea, I thin...
A 2009-04-23: @ddr and dfoote: That's what I thought, too: The Wiki-article only mention...
Q 2009-01-16: lace garters with black rosettes
A 2008-12-03: Perhaps even more probable: finished lace has a lot of holes in it.
A 2008-12-03: or, a new wild guess: lace+funeral?
Q 2008-12-03: One word, one careless moment and I'm your lace maker, except death would ...

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