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Dictionary English German: lamp

Translation 1 - 50 of 354  >>

English German
NOUN   a lamp | lamps
to lamp sb. [Br.] [coll.]jdn. heftig schlagen
Lampe {f}
Leuchte {f}
Laterne {f}
lamp [which gives very little light]
Funzel {f} [ugs.]
electr. lamp
Leuchtmittel {n} [allgem. für Lampe, Neonröhre usw.]
Scheinwerfer {m}
2 Words: Others
tech. lamp-pumped {adj}lampengepumpt
2 Words: Nouns
(lamp) shadeLampenschirm {m}
naut. Aldis lampAldislampe {f} [Signallampe]
Anglepoise® (lamp) [Br.]Anglepoise-Lampe {f} [Anglepoise®]
anglepoise lampverstellbare Schreibtischlampe {f}
electr. arc lampBogenlampe {f}
aroma lampAromalampe {f}
aroma lampDuftlampe {f}
auxiliary lampWeitstrahler {m}
furn. banker's lampBankierlampe {f}
furn. hist. banker's lampBankierslampe {f}
furn. banker's lampBanker-Lampe {f}
bathroom lampBadezimmerlampe {f}
electr. furn. bedroom lampSchlafzimmerlampe {f}
bedside lampBettlampe {f}
bedside lampNachttischlampe {f}
bedside lampSchlafzimmerlampe {f} [Nachttischlampe]
bike bicycle lampFahrradlampe {f}
tech. blast lampLötlampe {f}
brass lampMessinglampe {f}
tech. brazing lampLötlampe {f}
telecom. busy lampBesetztlampe {f} <BL>
butter lampButterlampe {f}
carbide lampKarbidlampe {f}
electr. hist. Carcel lampCarcel-Lampe {f}
carriage lampKutschenlampe {f}
ceiling lampDeckenlampe {f}
ind. MedTech. curing lampAushärtungslampe {f}
mining Davy lampGrubenlampe {f}
mining Davy lampSicherheitslampe {f}
daylight lampTageslichtlampe {f}
dent. dental lampDentalleuchte {f}
designer lampDesignerlampe {f}
desk lampPultlampe {f}
desk lampSchreibtischlampe {f}
automot. tech. diagnosis lampDiagnoselampe {f}
MedTech. diagnostic lampDiagnostiklampe {f}
tech. dial lampSkalenlampe {f}
engaged lampBesetztlampe {f}
hist. Etruscan lampetruskische Lampe {f}
MedTech. tech. examination lampUntersuchungslampe {f}
electr. festoon lampSoffittenlampe {f}
electr. filament lampGlühlampe {f}
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A 2016-09-28: Spelling variants: lamp post \ lamppost
A 2016-05-10: Coleman make a dual-fuel lamp that runs on unleaded petrol (gasoline) :-)
A 2016-05-05: Bei den Funzel/Funsel/Tranfunzel/Tranfunsel-Einträgen muss dim light mE mi...
A 2015-11-09: Burial lamp
A 2013-05-30: BTW, is "burning of the midnight lamp" the same? (Jimi Hendrix song)
Q 2012-07-10: Patenttitel (Abgabe morgen 15 Uhr) - "lamp striking voltage", verstehe nur...
A 2012-04-16: lamp shanks sind hier abgebildet
Q 2012-03-12: and the street lamp was at/on the other side of the van
A 2010-05-26: surprisingly, that seems to hit the mark much more -- a STANDARD lamp....a...
A 2010-05-26: I would call it a standard lamp, but I think floor lamp/light is the 'mode...
A 2010-05-26: A Stehlampe is just a floor/standard lamp, it doesn't necessarily have to ...
A 2010-04-25: left the lamp that had entrapped them
A 2009-09-01: http://www.google.co.uk/intl/en/#hl=en&q=%22socket+support%22+lamp&meta=cr...
A 2009-07-11: Hello. If I accept your suggested price, I will still won't be able to re...
Q 2009-03-23: Lampe oder Leuchte, Lamp oder Luminaire
A 2008-11-30: lamp
A 2008-11-30: ... leave a space of 30 cm ..... above the infrared heat lamp ..... leav...
Q 2008-06-23: flashlight vs. flash lamp
A 2008-06-21: UK: standard lamp with spots
A 2008-06-21: floor lamp with spots / spot lights, follow spot

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