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English-German translation for: landen lassen
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Dictionary English German: landen lassen

Translation 1 - 50 of 1938  >>

Keywords contained
to land sb. [to bring into a particular place, position, or condition]jdn. landen lassen [meist fig., z. B. im Gefängnis]
Partial Matches
to come ashorelanden
to debarklanden
to landlanden
aviat. to touch downlanden
aviat. landingLanden {n}
aviat. to come in [plane]landen [Flugzeug]
to alight [bird: descend from the air and settle]landen [Vogel]
aviat. naut. on landing {adv}beim Landen
sports to land wrongfalsch landen
to relandneu landen
to fetch up somewhere [coll.] [old-fashioned]irgendwo landen [ugs.]
idiom to bring off a coupeinen Coup landen
idiom to score a coupeinen Coup landen
sports to have a thrashing wineinen Kantersieg landen
sports to post a thrashing victoryeinen Kantersieg landen
idiom to strike lucky [Br.] [NZ] [coll.]einen Glückstreffer landen [fig.]
idiom market. to go viraleinen Riesenerfolg landen [ugs.]
to hit pay dirt [idiom] [coll.] [Am.]einen Volltreffer landen [ugs.]
to end up in prisonim Gefängnis landen [ugs.]
to finish up in jailim Gefängnis landen [ugs.]
to land (up) in jail [coll.]im Gefängnis landen [ugs.]
to wind up in prison [coll.]im Gefängnis landen [ugs.]
to finish up in hospitalim Krankenhaus landen [ugs.]
to end up in the trash [esp. Am.]im Müll landen [ugs.]
to end up in courtvor Gericht landen [ugs.]
to belly-landauf dem Bauch landen
to bellylandauf dem Bauch landen
astronau to land on the moonauf dem Mond landen
to land on waterauf dem Wasser landen
idiom to draw first bloodden ersten Treffer landen
to come to a dead endin einer Sackgasse landen
idiom to reach an impassein einer Sackgasse landen
to light (on) [descend, fall or settle upon] [paratrooper, bird etc.]landen (auf) [Fallschirmspringer, Vogel etc.]
in German lands {adv} [dated]in deutschen Landen [veraltet] [poet.]
to hit the bull's eye [also fig.]einen Volltreffer landen [auch fig.]
astronau aviat. to alight on waterauf dem Wasser landen [wassern]
to finish up in hellin der Hölle landen [ugs.]
to land in the soup [fig.] [coll.]in der Patsche landen [ugs.]
idiom to end up in the drawerin der Schublade landen [ugs.]
aviat. to undershoot a runwayvor Erreichen der Landebahn landen
to end up (somewhere)(irgendwo) landen [ugs.] [unversehens irgendwohin geraten]
to knock it out of the park [Am.] [idiom]einen Volltreffer landen [Redewendung] [Erwartungen übertreffen]
aviat. to fly into Berlinin Berlin landen [mit dem Flugzeug]
to end up on the scrapheap / scrap heap [fig.] [idiom]beim alten Eisen landen [fig.] [Redewendung]
to hit the jackpot [coll.] [idiom]den großen Wurf landen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to finish up in third place [end up]auf dem dritten Platz landen [ugs.]
idiom to come a cropper with sth. [Br.] [coll.]mit etw. auf dem Bauch landen
to finish up second / third [etc.]auf dem zweiten / dritten Platz landen [ugs.]
sports to thrash another teamgegen eine andere Mannschaft einen Kantersieg landen
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