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English-German translation for: lands
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Dictionary English German: lands

Translation 1 - 30 of 30

English German
NOUN   a land | lands
VERB  to land | landed | landed
landing | lands
sb./sth. lands
jd./etw. landet
Ländereien {pl}
Lande {pl} [geh.]
2 Words
alien landsferne und fremde Länder {pl}
arid landsunfruchtbare Felder {pl}
hist. RealEst. relig. church lands {pl}Kirchengut {n} [Landbesitz]
hist. crown lands {pl}Krongut {n}
hist. dower lands {pl}Brautland {n} [selten] [Wittum in Form von Land]
dower lands {pl}Witwenland {n}
geogr. dry landsTrockengebiete {pl}
for. forest landsWaldflächen {pl}
for. forest landsWaldgebiete {pl}
geogr. hist. spec. Generality Lands [Generaliteitslanden]Generalitätslande {pl}
hist. hereditary landsErblande {pl}
hist. hereditary landsErbländer {pl}
agr. marginal landsGrenzertragsböden {pl}
agr. meadow lands {pl}Weideland {n} [Weideflächen]
pasture landsWeideplätze {pl}
geogr. prealpine lands {pl}Voralpenland {n}
strange landsfremde Länder {pl}
3 Words
in German lands {adv} [dated]in deutschen Landen [veraltet] [poet.]
geogr. mining coal-producing lands [nations or smaller areas like federal states]Kohleländer {pl}
weapons grooves and landsZüge und Felder {pl}
hist. Habsburg Hereditary Lands [also: Habsburg hereditary lands]Habsburgische Erblande {pl}
5+ Words
geogr. French Southern and Antarctic LandsTerres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises {pl} <T.A.A.F.>
geogr. hist. Lands of the Bohemian CrownLänder {pl} der böhmischen Krone
hist. Lands of the Crown of St. StephenLänder {pl} der Stephanskrone
Fiction (Literature and Film)
mus. F Exult in God in all landsJauchzet Gott in allen Landen! [J. S. Bach, BWV 51]
lit. F Faery Lands Forlorn [Dave Duncan]Die Insel der Elben
lit. F The Dark Tower: The Waste Lands [Stephen King]Tot
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A 2015-09-28: Other lands, other customs
A 2015-07-23: royal domain, imperial lien, dynastic lands (MA)
A 2015-07-23: https://www.google.de/#q=%22Reichsgut%22+%22imperial+lands%22
A 2015-06-18: Holy Lands
A 2015-06-18: +Holy Lands+ is either a typo or a dubious concept; normally, it is +Holy ...
Q 2015-06-18: the Holy Lands
A 2015-06-16: Philosophically, equating God with nature lands you in a minefield. Apart ...
A 2014-10-15: There are also +online shops+ ; failing to translate simple words lands us...
A 2012-02-23: Buttered toast always falls/lands buttered side down. (one of Murphy's laws)
A 2009-10-01: Unerringly, the sledgehammer lands on the fomented buckskin package - at f...
A 2009-07-01: "stones and lands" kommt als Wendung iZm Verschüttungen vor. Könnte also "...
Q 2009-07-01: river bed covered with "lands"
Q 2009-03-11: "a gift that lands."
A 2008-10-08: More like 'plowing up natural meadow lands' to turn them into crop-produci...
A 2008-02-25: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=t&ie=UTF-8&rls=RNWE,RNW...
A 2007-03-03: 'surrounding countryside' gefällt mir. Oder 'surrounding lands'
A 2006-10-16: lands represented in the Imperial Assembly (Imperial Council: infelicitous...
A 2006-03-08: hereditary land / lands
A 2006-02-23: are you sure the lands are "tinged"?
A 2005-05-10: But 'round out the dozen' lands you with - wait for it -

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