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English-German translation for: lane
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Dictionary English German: lane

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NOUN   a lane | lanes
tech. -lane {adj} [attr.] [warehouse, high-rise rack]-gassig [z. B. Regallager]
traffic lane
Fahrbahn {f}
traffic lane
Fahrspur {f}
urban lane
Gasse {f}
Weg {m}
traffic lane
Fahrstreifen {m}
traffic lane
Spur {f} [Fahrstreifen]
Sträßchen {n}
sports lane
Bahn {f}
lane [of people]
Spalier {n} [aus Menschen]
2 Words: Others
traffic eight-lane {adj} [attr.]achtspurig
traffic four-lane {adj} [attr.]vierspurig
traffic multi-lane {adj} [attr.]mehrbahnig [mehrspurig]
traffic multi-lane {adj} [attr.]mehrspurig
traffic single-lane {adj}einbahnig
traffic single-lane {adj} [attr.]einspurig
traffic six-lane {adj} [attr.]sechsspurig
traffic three-lane {adj} [attr.]dreispurig
traffic two-lane {adj} [attr.]zweibahnig [Straße]
traffic two-lane {adj} [attr.]zweispurig
traffic two-lane {adj} [attr.]zweistreifig [zweispurig]
traffic two-lane {adj} [attr.]2-streifig [2-spurig]
tech. two-lane {adj} [attr.] [high-rise rack]zweigassig [Kleinteilelager, Hochregallager usw.]
2 Words: Nouns
traffic acceleration laneBeschleunigungsspur {f} [Autobahn]
traffic acceleration laneBeschleunigungsstreifen {m}
traffic acceleration laneEinfädelungsstreifen {m}
aviat. air laneFlugkorridor {m}
aviat. air laneLuftschneise {f}
aviat. air laneLuftverkehrstraße {f}
traffic approach laneZufahrtsstraße {f}
back lanehintere Gasse {f}
agr. archi. back lane [behind farms, farm houses]Hintaus {n} [österr.] [in ostösterreichischen Straßendörfern]
urban bazaar laneBasargasse {f}
bike traffic bicycle laneFahrradweg {m}
bike traffic bicycle laneRadfahrstreifen {m}
bike traffic bicycle laneRadweg {m}
bike traffic bike laneFahrradweg {m}
bike traffic bike laneRadweg {m}
bike traffic bike lane [Am.] [Can.]Velostreifen {m} [schweiz.] [Radfahrstreifen]
blind laneSackgasse {f}
traffic breakdown laneStandspur {f} [Autobahn]
traffic breakdown lane [Am.] [on a highway]Standstreifen {m}
traffic transp. bus laneBusfahrspur {f} [selten]
traffic transp. bus laneBusspur {f}
traffic urban car lane [as opposed to one reserved for cyclists]Autofahrspur {f}
traffic carpool laneFahrgemeinschaftsspur {f}
traffic center lane [Am.]Mittelspur {f}
traffic centre lane [Br.]Mittelspur {f}
country laneFeldweg {m}
traffic country lane(schmale / kleine) Landstraße {f}
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A 2018-12-30: +veering into another lane+ UK Highway Code
Q 2018-12-30: "to veer into another lane" ?=? "in eine andere Fahrbahn überwechseln"
A 2017-02-23: London has always had slums (cf. the Gordon Riots, John Wilkes, +Beer Stre...
Q 2015-06-22: lane hogging (coll.) BE
A 2015-02-05: lane leather http://www.laneleather.co.uk/
A 2015-02-04: I assume it's something that detects lane markers that are raised and not ...
Q 2015-02-03: Schwerer Text über Fahrzeugkamerasystem (Abgabe 04.02. um 19 Uhr) "raised ...
A 2014-06-05: Back to Gin Lane? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_Street_and_Gin_Lane
A 2014-05-08: lane?
A 2013-08-15: +Schmal+ is correct. Just for information: One-lane bridge > nur eine Fahr...
A 2013-01-03: Many English-language travel guides explain it with "Thrush Alley." Some t...
A 2012-10-30: I see. My beef was only with "track" as opposed to "lane." Must be an AE ...
A 2012-10-30: More likely: "lane control / active lane control / lane-keeping control" i...
A 2011-09-14: That's the standard meaning of lane hugger,
Q 2011-09-13: lane hugger, to experience a moment
A 2011-05-14: Lane Cake
A 2011-04-14: oder: The broadband approach - a narrow lane to equal opportunities and em...
A 2011-01-06: Actually, "booth" is rare in AE. Sometimes you hear "lane" or "checkout."
A 2010-08-21: Ostfriesisch +Lohn, Lohne, Lone+ entspricht dem englischen +lane+
Q 2010-08-20: Ist das im Niedersächsischen verwendete "Lohne" mit dem englisch "lane" ve...

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