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English-German translation for: late Middle Ages
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Dictionary English German: late Middle Ages

Translation 1 - 50 of 1225  >>

NOUN   - | the late Middle Ages
hist. late Middle Ages {pl}Spät-Mittelalter {n}
Keywords contained
hist. the late Middle Ages {pl}das ausgehende Mittelalter {n}
hist. of the late Middle Ages {adj}spätmittelalterlich <spätma.>
hist. late Middle Ages {pl} [often treated as sg.] <LMA>Spätmittelalter {n} <SpätMA>
Partial Matches
hist. Central Middle Ages {pl}Hochmittelalter {n}
hist. Early Middle Ages {pl}Frühmittelalter {n}
hist. High Middle Ages {pl}Hochmittelalter {n}
hist. in the Middle Ages {adv}im Mittelalter
hist. Low Middle Ages {pl} [Late Middle Ages]Spätmittelalter {n}
to go back to the Middle Agesbis ins Mittelalter zurückreichen / zurückgehen
hist. of the high / High Middle Ages {adj} [postpos.]hochmittelalterlich [attr.]
hist. towards the end of the Middle Ages {adv}im ausgehenden Mittelalter
hist. Middle Ages {pl} <MA> [most often treated as sg.]Mittelalter {n} <MA>
educ. hist. German language and literature of the Middle Agesdeutsche Sprache {f} und Literatur des Mittelalters
agesunendlicher Zeitraum {m}
agesWeltalter {n}
agesZeitalter {n}
ages ago {adv}anno einundleipzig [veraltend] [Redewendung]
ages ago {adv}anno Leipzig [veraltend] [Redewendung]
ages ago {adv}im Jahre Schnee [ugs.]
ages ago {adv}vor einer Ewigkeit
ages ago {adv}vor langer Zeit
for ages {adv}ewig lange
for ages {adv}seit einer Ewigkeit [ugs.]
in ages {adv}seit einer Ewigkeit [ugs.]
in ages {adv}seit ewigen Zeiten
in ages {adv}seit Ewigkeiten [ugs.]
archaeo. Metal AgesMetallzeiten {pl}
sb./sth. agesjd./etw. altert
for ages {adv} [coll.]seit ewiger Zeit [ugs.]
for ages {adv} [coll.]seit Ewigkeiten [ugs.]
at all ages {adv}in jedem Alter
of all agesjeder Altersgruppe
through the ages {adv}im Wandel der Zeiten [Redewendung]
myth. Unverified Ages of ManWeltalter {pl} der Antike
course of agesZeitenlauf {m}
hist. Greek Dark AgesDunkles Zeitalter {n} Griechenlands
bibl. Rock of AgesFels {m} der Ewigkeit
hist. the dark ages {pl}das (frühe) Mittelalter {n}
ages [stages of life]Alter {pl}
It's ages since ...Es ist ewig her, seit ...
through the ages {adv} [idiom]durch alle Zeiten [Redewendung]
misreporting {sg} of agesfalsche Altersangaben {pl}
the dark ages {pl} [fig.]finsteres Mittelalter {n} [fig.]
ages and ages ago {adv}vor / zu Urzeiten
ages and ages ago {adv}vor undenklichen Zeiten
ages and ages ago {adv}vor undenklicher Zeit
from the Dark Agesaus dem tiefen Mittelalter
idiom It was ages ago!Das ist ja schon nicht mehr wahr! / Das ist schon gar nicht mehr wahr!
ancient and modern agesalte und neue Zeiten {pl}
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