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English-German translation for: late-night
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Dictionary English German: late night

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RadioTV late-night showLate-Night-Show {f} [TV-Format]
late-night {adj}spätabendlich
comm. late night shoppingLate-Night-Shopping {n}
late at night {adv}spätabends
comm. late night shoppingDienstleistungsabend {m}
late summer nightSpätsommernacht {f}
journ. late-night editionNachtausgabe {f}
late-night meetingNachtsitzung {f}
comm. late-night openingDienstleistungsabend {m}
late-night performanceSpätvorstellung {f}
comm. late-night shoppingAbendverkauf {m}
RadioTV late-night showSpätabendprogramm {n}
late at night {adv}spät abends
late at night {adv}spät nachts
RadioTV late-night news {sg}Spätnachrichten {pl}
RadioTV late-night program [Am.]Nachtprogramm {n}
RadioTV late-night program [Am.]Spätprogramm {n}
RadioTV late-night programme [Br.]Nachtprogramm {n}
RadioTV late-night programme [Br.]Spätprogramm {n}
late at night {adv}spät am Abend
late at night {adv}spät in der Nacht
late November night [night in late November]Spätnovembernacht {f}
till / until late at night {adv}bis tief / spät in die Nacht hinein
until late in the night {adv}bis spät / tief in der Nacht
Partial Matches
film F Night of the Demons III [Jim Kaufman]Demon Night
film night-for-night [film, movie]Nachtaufnahmen {pl}
med. late onset disease <LOD>Late-Onset-Erkrankung {f}
film F Big Night [Campbell Scott, Stanley Tucci]Big Night (– Nacht der Genüsse)
film F Prom Night [Paul Lynch]Prom NightDas Grauen kommt um Mitternacht
film F Prom Night – A Night To Die For [Nelson McCormick, 2008]Prom Night - Eine gute Nacht zum Sterben
film F Fright Night [Tom Holland]Die rabenschwarze NachtFright Night
jobs night auditorNight Auditor {m} [in einem Hotel]
psych. night-eating / night eating syndromeNachtessersyndrom {n} <NES>
orn. T
lit. F Betrayed - A House of Night Novel [P. C. Cast / Kristin Cast]Betrogen - House of Night 2
lit. F Marked - A House of Night Novel [P. C. Cast / Kristin Cast]Gezeichnet - House of Night 1
film F Night and the City [Jules Dassin]Night and the City [alternativ auch: Die Nacht von Soho]
lit. F Night Train [Martin Amis]Night Train
film F We Own the Night [James Gray]Helden der NachtWe Own the Night
bot. T
film F Night on Earth [Jim Jarmusch]Night on Earth
one-night stand <ONS> [coll.]One-Night-Stand {m} <ONS> [ugs.]
film F 30 Days of Night [David Slade]30 Days of Night
RadioTV F Saturday Night Live <SNL> [U.S. comedy TV show (1975-1977)]Saturday Night Live <SNL> [US-amerik. Comedy TV Show]
late {adj} {adv}spät
late {adj} {adv}verspätet
late {adj} {adv}zu spät
late adolescent {adj}spätpubertär
late afternoon {adj}spätnachmittäglich
hist. sociol. Late Agrarian {adj}spätagrarisch
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A 2010-04-13: That was a late night extra. Pity you didn't twig the drift of it. Or are ...
A 2008-11-12: Late night typo: +on+ a walk
A 2007-09-21: Calling it a day, though. No late night extra this time.
Q 2007-03-29: any late night drinkers out there?!
A 2007-02-26: thanks for your late night efforts!
A 2006-09-29: Late night gory story - will liz stop at anything?
A 2006-09-20: wow - a late night success :-) So good night to you!
A 2006-09-07: Late night typo: reformatTed
A 2006-09-06: a late night attempt ;-)
A 2006-08-07: Thanks Fudge for the late night help!! I owe you!! ;)
A 2006-05-04: Late night typo: go to a puB
A 2006-01-31: Late Night Extra again? LINK

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