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English-German translation for: later.
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Dictionary English German: later

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ADJ   late | later | latest
SYNO   after | afterward | afterwards ... 
later {adj} {adv}
later {adv}
later {adj}
nachträglich [später]
later {adj} {adv} <L8R>
later {adv}
danach [später]
later {adv}späterhin [geh.] [später, danach]
later {adv} {adj} [subsequent]nachmalig
Later!Bis später!
2 Words: Others
later on {adv}nachher [später]
later on {adv}später
later on {adv}späterhin [geh.] [später, danach]
later on {adv}in der Folgezeit
later on {adv}zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt
Later perhaps.Später vielleicht.
later termed {adj}später benannt
later termed {adj}später bezeichnet
later thanspäter als
later today {adv}später (am Tag)
later-born {adj} {past-p}nachgeboren [nach dem ersten Kind geboren]
moments later {adv}kurz darauf
fin. payable later {adj} [postpos.]postnumerando zahlbar
received later {adj} {past-p} [postpos.]später eingehend
years later {adv}Jahre danach
years later {adv}Jahre später
years later {adv}nach Jahren
2 Words: Verbs
to celebrate sth. lateretw. nachfeiern
to fetch sth. lateretw.Akk. nachholen [Zurückgebliebenes nachträglich holen]
to give laternachreichen
to take sth. later [esp. a written test]etw.Akk. nachschreiben [versäumte Klassenarbeit etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
later generationsspätere Generationen {pl}
later improvementNachbesserung {f}
med. later symptomsspätere Symptome {pl}
art lit. mus. later works {pl}Alterswerk {n} [gesamt]
3 Words: Others
a bit later {adv}ein wenig später
a little later {adv}etwas später
a little later {adv}ein wenig später
a little later {adv}nach einer Weile
a moment later {adv}gleich darauf
a moment later {adv}einen Augenblick später
a moment later {adv}einen Moment danach
a month later {adv}einen Monat danach
a month later {adv}einen Monat darauf
a month later {adv}einen Monat später
a while later {adv}etwas später
a year later {adv}ein Jahr danach
a year later {adv}ein Jahr darauf
a year later {adv}ein Jahr später
an hour later {adv}eine Stunde später
Catch ya later! [coll.]Bis dann!
for later analysis {adv}für die spätere Analyse
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A 2024-02-06: I have another idea, more later
A 2024-01-31: Thank you, parker11! I cannot hear "later", it sounds like "to the ???" to...
A 2024-01-31: We'll get back (???) later … we need a doctor … we got somebody down
Q 2023-02-28: best way to store entries for later review?
A 2022-01-14: Agree with Proteus. Common orator's phrase: 'I'll speak to that later.'
A 2021-08-04: ... will be forwarded later / at a later time
A 2019-03-14: Ebenso bitte +Moar+ bairisch für +Meierhof > manor farm, (later) home farm...
A 2019-03-14: Bitte +Meierhof > manor farm, (later) home farm+ in dict.cc eingeben
A 2019-03-14: P.S.: +manor farms+ were later called +home farms,+ q.v.
A 2019-03-12: Cf. later #906057
A 2018-08-06: Oh no... I wanted to say the whole address will be confirmed later...
A 2018-06-30: In 1622 the castle was pawned to NE and 24 years later he was its proprietor.
A 2018-02-06: later authors who write texts for catalogues
A 2017-12-22: You might get some response from the US regulars later :-)
A 2017-12-20: Later on, the catalogue was incorporated in two software projects which we...
A 2017-11-12: The wind gets stronger as it gets later (and the evening comes to an end).
A 2017-02-26: Sad to say, whether you eat at home or elsewhere, sooner or later you die.
A 2017-02-02: Speculative building in Georgian times and a bit later
A 2017-01-26: Terminology; maybe +States (later called Cantons)+ if you want to go out o...
A 2016-11-17: ...until later in life.

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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