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English-German translation for: latter
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Dictionary English German: latter

Translation 1 - 37 of 37

English German
latter {adj}
latter {adj}
latter {adj}
letztere [von zwei genannten Dingen]
latter {adj}
latter {adj}
the latterder / die / das Letztere
2 Words: Others
latter-day {adj}modern
latter-day {adj}neuzeitlich
latter-day {adj} [attr.] [of the present period]heutig [modern]
the latter {adj}letzteres
the latter {adj}zweitere
2 Words: Nouns
latter part [coll.]Hinterteil {n} [ugs.] [Gesäß]
bibl. Latter Prophets ["Writing Prophets": Isaiah - Malachi]Hintere Propheten {pl}
bibl. latter rain [Deut 11:14 et al.]Spätregen {m} [5. Mose 11,14 et al.]
3 Words: Others
The latter includes ...Zu letzteren zählen ...
3 Words: Nouns
relig. Latter-day SaintMormone {m}
4 Words: Others
at the latter's expense {adv}auf Kosten des Letzteren
at the latter's request {adv}auf Verlangen des Letzteren
at the latter's request {adv}auf Verlangen des letzteren [alt]
at the latter's risk {adv}auf Gefahr des Letzteren
in his latter years {adv}in seinen letzten Lebensjahren
in the latter case {adv}im letzteren Fall
in the latter case {adv}in letzterem Falle
4 Words: Verbs
to lean toward the latterzu Letzterem neigen
to lean toward the latterzu Letzterem tendieren
4 Words: Nouns
biol. latter period of gestationletzter Schwangerschaftsabschnitt {m}
5+ Words: Others
at the risk of the latter {adv}auf Gefahr des Letzteren
fin. for the account of the latter {adv}für Rechnung des Letzteren
in the latter part of April {adv}in der zweiten Aprilhälfte
in the latter part of July {adv}in der zweiten Julihälfte
in the latter six months of the year {adv}im zweiten Kalenderhalbjahr
The former says black, the latter white.Dieser sagt weiß, jener schwarz.
The former says black, the latter white.Ersterer sagt schwarz, Letzterer weiß.
X, Y, and Z, the latter of whom / which ...X, Y und Z, welch Letztere / Letzterer / Letzteres ...
5+ Words: Nouns
relig. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints <LDS Church> [the Mormons]Kirche {f} Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage [die Mormonen]
copy of this latter documentExemplar {n} dieses letztgenannten Dokuments
relig. Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints <FLDS>Fundamentalistische Kirche {f} Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage <FLDS>
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A 2022-12-11: Ergänzung: dem +Brautpreis, Brautgeld+ oder der +Brautgabe+ entspricht +br...
A 2018-08-28: the latter
A 2018-05-31: ngrams for "feng shui" and "feng shui it" (the latter is not found).
A 2018-04-17: In +bei etwaigen,+ the latter is also optional. Thus +in the event of+ may...
A 2017-07-31: Analytically, the latter differs from the former in the word count if not ...
A 2017-05-31: While the latter is actually a bit more expensive it (shunt technology) is...
A 2017-05-23: Your latter suggestion seems to fit
A 2017-02-02: It is the latter only http://www.canoo.net/inflection/erste:A:Ord
Q 2016-02-27: "the latter" as a noun
A 2015-05-21: OK, thank you, I think I'm gonna choose the latter interpretation.
A 2015-05-20: professorial drugs expert / academic drugs expert - the latter having more...
A 2015-04-27: Usage has both +agree a truce+ and +agree to a truce+ - with the latter ex...
A 2015-03-26: T y p o - the +latter+ does not ...
A 2015-03-09: 15:21 - so the latter tends to be AE usage
A 2015-03-08: Adding the indefinite article, both are correct. The latter, however, is l...
A 2014-12-05: Is a a matter of how many speakers a language has or of how many Wiki entr...
A 2014-10-27: Agree with Lllama - UK websites suggest that in +a software+ the latter wo...
A 2014-10-18: The latter quote was gleaned from +The Making Of A Counter Culture+ Autho...
A 2014-05-18: Re WingDing's latter LINK - 20th-c Yanks have pretty much dwarfed Colonial...
A 2014-02-11: In +close to,+ the latter is a preposition

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