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English-German translation for: laughing
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Dictionary English German: laughing

Translation 1 - 50 of 221  >>

English German
NOUN   laughing | -
VERB  to laugh | laughed | laughed
laughing | laughs
SYNO   laughing | riant
laughing {adj} {pres-p}
laughing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bag, fit, gas]Lach- [z. B. Sack, Anfall, Gas]
2 Words: Verbs
to die laughingsich vor Lachen biegen
to die laughing [coll.]sich totlachen [ugs.]
to start laughinganfangen zu lachen
to start laughingzu lachen anfangen [seltener] [anfangen zu lachen]
to start sb. laughingjdn. zum Lachen bringen
2 Words: Nouns
toys laughing bagLachsack {m}
laughing fitLachanfall {m}
laughing fitLachflash {m} [ugs.] [Lachanfall]
laughing fitLachkrampf {m}
chem. laughing gas [N2O] [nitrous oxide]Distickstoffoxid {n}
laughing gas [nitrous oxide] [N2O]Lachgas {n}
anat. laughing muscle [Musculus risorius]Lachmuskel {m}
med. laughing sickness [kuru]Lachkrankheit {f} [Kuru]
laughing stockGespött {n} [Gegenstand des Spotts]
laughing stockLachnummer {f} [ugs.]
laughing stockWitzfigur {f} [ugs.]
laughing stockZielscheibe {f} des Gespötts
laughing stockZielscheibe {f} des Spottes
3 Words: Others
burst out laughing {past-p}aufgelacht
bursting out laughing {adj} {pres-p}auflachend
Don't keep laughing.Lach nicht andauernd.
Laughing is contagious.Lachen ist ansteckend.
Internet laughing out loud <LOL>laut lachend <LL>
3 Words: Verbs
to almost die laughing [coll.]fast sterben vor Lachen [ugs.]
to break out laughingin Gelächter ausbrechen
to break out laughingin Lachen ausbrechen
to burst out laughingaufwiehern [fig.] [ugs.] [in ein Gelächter ausbrechen]
to burst out laughinglosplatzen [ugs.] [unvermittelt laut loslachen]
to burst out laughinglosprusten [ugs.]
to burst out laughing(schallend) auflachen
to burst out laughing [idiom]in Gelächter ausbrechen
to burst out laughing [idiom]in Lachen ausbrechen
to bust out laughing [coll.] [esp. Am.]in Gelächter ausbrechen [auch: laut loslachen]
idiom to double up laughingsich krummlachen [ugs.]
idiom to double up laughingsich krumm- und schieflachen [ugs.]
to fall about laughingsich krank lachen
idiom to fall about laughing [Br.] [coll.]sich krummlachen [ugs.]
to kill oneself laughing [Br.] [coll.]sichAkk. totlachen [ugs.]
to kill oneself laughing [coll.]sichAkk. schieflachen [ugs.]
idiom to piss oneself (laughing) [vulg.]sich bepissen vor Lachen [derb]
to refrain from laughingsichDat. das Lachen verkneifen [ugs.]
3 Words: Nouns
med. incontinence on laughing [Enuresis risoria]Lachinkontinenz {f}
dent. laughing gas anaesthesia [Br.]Lachgasnarkose {f}
dent. laughing gas anesthesia [Am.]Lachgasnarkose {f}
dent. med. laughing gas sedationLachgassedierung {f}
4 Words: Others
falling on floor, laughing <FOFL>ich lache mich tot
He couldn't help laughing.Er musste gegen seinen Willen lachen.
He couldn't help laughing.Er musste wider Willen lachen.
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A 2017-02-08: Der lachende Vagabund (Film und Lied) ./. The Laughing Cavalier (Malerei)
A 2013-05-15: @romy - no. " ..... the connotation that they are laughing about other p...
A 2012-01-28: "They laughed when I said I was going to be a comedian. They're not laughi...
A 2012-01-04: Omg, I´m still laughing and my firefox got a direct link to this halma-aud...
A 2011-12-16: Paul's arrogant delusions turn dict.cc into a laughing stock in the matter...
A 2011-04-05: Rolling on the floor laughing and holding my sides
A 2011-01-31: By the way: Don't the English speaking people burst out laughing when they...
A 2011-01-04: laughing as someone else's expense
A 2010-11-07: Rhetorical Question: You do a lot of laughing gas?
A 2010-09-22: The Chinese and Eastern Indians can't help laughing about such a statement.
Q 2010-09-03: to be away laughing
A 2010-07-29: Agree. The "Schnüffelstück" clip had me laughing out loud.
A 2010-07-10: I'm gonna wet my pants (because I'm laughing so hard or because I'm scared)
A 2010-06-23: @wandle :-) , (should be a laughing smiley)
A 2010-05-04: "You won't be laughing any longer"
A 2009-09-07: enter laughing. i'm sure i've exchanged French kisses even with German and...
A 2009-08-11: ...than laughing about *it*
A 2009-05-28: Bella, ha ha, laughing my head off!
A 2009-05-02: @ schwerblech: Aber ja! lol laughing out loud (laut lachend)
A 2009-01-09: RE: I still can't see why the audience burst out laughing about that.

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