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English-German translation for: laughing out loud
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Dictionary English German: laughing out loud

Translation 1 - 50 of 7056  >>

Internet laughing out loud <LOL>laut lachend <LL>
Partial Matches
to laugh out loudlaut auflachen
to laugh out loudlaut loslachen
to shout out loudherumschreien [ugs.]
to say sth. out loudetw.Akk. laut sagen
to think out loud [Am.]laut nachdenken
I laugh out loud.Da kann ich (doch) nur lachen.
to wonder out loud about sth.über etw.Akk. laut nachdenken
idiom sth. sucks out loud [Am.] [sl.]etw. stinkt zum Himmel [ugs.] [fig.]
For crying out loud! [coll.] [idiom]Ach du Schande!
For crying out loud! [coll.] [idiom]Himmel, Arsch und Wolkenbruch! [derb]
For crying out loud! [coll.] [idiom]Himmelherrgott! [ugs.]
For crying out loud! [coll.] [idiom]Marantjosef! [ugs.] [österr.] [südd.] [Redewendung] [Maria und Josef!]
For crying out loud! [coll.] [idiom]Um Gottes willen! [Redewendung]
For crying out loud! [coll.] [idiom]Verdammt noch mal!
burst out laughing {past-p}aufgelacht
bursting out laughing {adj} {pres-p}auflachend
to break out laughingin Gelächter ausbrechen
to break out laughingin Lachen ausbrechen
to burst out laughing(schallend) auflachen
to burst out laughingaufwiehern [fig.] [ugs.] [in ein Gelächter ausbrechen]
to burst out laughinglosplatzen [ugs.] [unvermittelt laut loslachen]
to burst out laughinglosprusten [ugs.]
to burst out laughing [idiom]in Gelächter ausbrechen
to burst out laughing [idiom]in Lachen ausbrechen
to bust out laughing [coll.] [esp. Am.]in Gelächter ausbrechen [auch: laut loslachen]
rolling on the floor laughing guts out <ROTFLGO>sich auf dem Boden kugeln und die Innereien herauslachen
idiom You'll soon be laughing out of the other side of your face.Dir wird das Lachen schon noch vergehen!
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
to become a laughingstock / laughing-stock / laughing stocksichAkk. lächerlich machen
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
loud {adj} {adv}laut
loud {adj} [clothes]knallbunt [ugs.]
loud {adj} [colour]aufdringlich [Farbe]
loud {adj} [colour]knallig [ugs.]
loud {adj} [color]grell [Farbe]
loud pink {adj}knallrosa
loud-voiced {adj}stimmgewaltig
really loud {adj} {adv}superlaut [ugs.]
too loud {adj} {adv}überlaut
(loud) humGebrumm {n}
(loud) lamentationKlagegeschrei {n}
(loud) slurpingGeschlürfe {n} [ugs.]
loud criticismheftige Kritik {f}
loud crygreller Schrei {m}
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A 2010-07-29: Agree. The "Schnüffelstück" clip had me laughing out loud.
A 2009-05-02: @ schwerblech: Aber ja! lol laughing out loud (laut lachend)
A 2007-12-04: LOL can - as far as I know - either 'lots of love' or 'laughing out loud'
A 2007-07-31: laughing out loud
A 2005-11-10: :))) Is there a word for a half laughing out loud and half recoiling in ho...
A 2005-07-13: I know it as "laughing out loud"

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