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English-German translation for: lawsuit
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Dictionary English German: lawsuit

Translation 1 - 43 of 43

English German
NOUN   a lawsuit | lawsuits
SYNO   case | causa | cause | lawsuit ... 
law lawsuit
Prozess {m}
law lawsuit
Gerichtsverfahren {n}
law lawsuit
Klage {f}
law lawsuit
Rechtsstreit {m}
law lawsuit
Verfahren {n} [Gerichtsverfahren]
law lawsuit
Prozeß {m} [alt]
law lawsuitRechtshandel {m} [geh.]
law lawsuitgerichtliche Anklage {f}
2 Words: Nouns
law abuse lawsuitMißbrauchsklage {f} [alt]
law fraud lawsuitBetrugsklage {f}
law fraud lawsuitBetrugsprozess {m}
law lawsuit-monger [rare] [pej.] [litigious person]Prozesshansel {m} [pej.]
law libel lawsuitVerleumdungsverfahren {n}
law master lawsuitMusterklage {f}
law molestation lawsuitBelästigungsklage {f}
patent lawsuit(gerichtlicher) Patentstreit {m}
pending lawsuitanhängiger Rechtsstreit {m}
law pending lawsuitschwebendes Gerichtsverfahren {n}
law petty lawsuitBagatellfall {m}
law political lawsuitpolitischer Prozess {m} [Gerichtsprozess]
3 Words: Verbs
law to abandon a lawsuiteine Klage aufgeben
law to abandon a lawsuiteine Klage zurückziehen
law to dismiss a lawsuiteine Klage abweisen
law to drop a lawsuiteine Klage fallenlassen
law to file a lawsuiteine Klage einreichen
law to settle a lawsuiteinen Rechtsstreit beilegen
law to withdraw a lawsuiteine Klage zurückziehen [Zivilrecht]
3 Words: Nouns
law civil suit / lawsuitZivilklage {f}
law class action lawsuitSammelklage {f}
law sexual abuse lawsuitVerfahren {n} wegen sexuellen Missbrauchs
4 Words: Others
law in the instant lawsuit {adv}im vorliegenden Rechtsstreit
4 Words: Verbs
law to bring a lawsuit against sb./sth.eine Klage gegen jdn./etw. anstrengen [Redewendung]
law to carry on a lawsuiteinen Prozess führen
law to file a lawsuit against sb.gegen jdn. Klage erheben [vor Gericht]
law to file a lawsuit against sb./sth. [Am.]eine Klage gegen jdn./etw. anstrengen
law to throw out a lawsuiteine Klage abweisen
4 Words: Nouns
multi-billion dollar lawsuitMilliardenklage {f}
law outcome of the lawsuitProzessausgang {m}
5+ Words: Others
law regarding the lawsuit of ... et al. v. ...in dem Rechtsstreit ... u. a. gegen ...
5+ Words: Verbs
to be slapped with a lawsuit [coll.] [idiom]eine Klage aufgebrummt bekommen [ugs.] [Idiom]
to be slapped with a lawsuit [coll.] [idiom]eine Klage an den Hals bekommen [ugs.] [Idiom]
5+ Words: Nouns
lawsuit for breach of contractVertragsverletzungsverfahren {n}
pol. strategic lawsuit against public participation <SLAPP>Einschüchterungsklage {f} [strategische Klage gegen öffentliche Beteiligung]
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A 2017-08-04: https://www.google.co.uk/search?site=&source=hp&q=%22state+liability+lawsu...
A 2016-02-26: The lawsuit was discontinued because of a settlement.
A 2012-05-19: Another footnote: "Exposure" can also mean the amount someone will have to...
Q 2011-05-31: Is it possible "to launch a lawsuit" in English? Thanks!
A 2011-03-06: 17:39 revisited: Verfahren > (legal parlance) lawsuit / proceedings - but ...
Q 2010-11-08: Often, nonrecurring cash flows, such as cash paid out in a lawsuit settlement
A 2010-03-09: threaten sb. with lawsuit
A 2010-01-14: Correction: A lawsuit *is* a civil...
A 2010-01-14: Careful with the term 'lawsuit'—it's only used in civil law.
Q 2009-09-24: lawsuit initiated on behalf of
A 2009-07-16: summoned - vorgeladen ; taken to court - verklagt (private lawsuit)
Q 2009-06-13: Lawsuit
A 2008-10-22: Streitgenosse > co-defendant / codefendant, co-plaintiff / coplaintiff, co...
A 2008-05-05: You hear it often in the context of a lawsuit.
A 2007-11-05: lawsuit (Zusammenschreibung üblicher?)
A 2007-09-11: ? http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=%22leading+lawsuit+%22+&btnG=Sear...
A 2005-12-06: accountability lawsuit
A 2005-05-15: ... (... such lawsuit which violate ... - - - words missing?!)
Q 2005-05-15: to pursue such lawsuit
A 2003-01-09: the duty to pay for a lawsuit

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