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English-German translation for: lay side by side
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: lay side by side

Translation 1 - 50 of 6392  >>

Keywords contained
to lay side by sidenebeneinander legen [alt]
to lay side by sidenebeneinanderlegen
Partial Matches
textil. to lay sth. right side on right side [fabric]etw. rechts auf rechts legen [Stoff]
textil. to lay sth. wrong side on wrong side [fabric]etw.Akk. links auf links legen [Stoff]
side by side {adv}beieinander
side by side {adv}dicht an dicht
side by side {adv}nebeneinander
side by side {adv}nebeneinanderher [gehen, laufen etc.]
side by side {adv}Seite an Seite
tech. mountable side by side {adj}anreihbar
to fight side by sideSchulter an Schulter kämpfen
to lie side by sidenebeneinander liegen
naut. to moor side by side(im / auf) Päckchen legen
to sit side by sidenebeneinander sitzen [alt]
to sit side by sidenebeneinandersitzen
to stand side by sidenebeneinanderstehen
to stand side by sidezusammenstehen [nebeneinanderstehen]
weapons side by side shotgunQuerflinte {f}
to place / put side by sidenebeneinander reihen [alt]
to place / put side by sidenebeneinander setzen [alt]
to place / put side by sidenebeneinander stellen [alt]
to place / put side by sidenebeneinanderreihen
to place / put side by sidenebeneinandersetzen
to place / put side by sidenebeneinanderstellen
aviat. side stick / sidestick [short for: side-stick controller] [situated to one side of the pilot's seat](seitlich montierter) Steuerknüppel {m} [Sidestick, Seitenknüppel]
evening side [western side]Abendseite {f} [westliche Seite]
gastr. side [esp. Am.] [side dish]Beigabe {f} [Beilage]
astron. day-side [also: day side]Tagseite {f}
astron. night-side [also: night side]Nachtseite {f}
gastr. side {adj} [attr.] [e.g. side salad]Beilagen-
textil. wrong side [reverse side of fabric]Abseite {f} [eines Gewebes]
gastr. side (dish) ["side" by itself is Am.]Sättigungsbeilage {f} [z. B. Nudeln, Kartoffeln, Reis]
gastr. skin side [also: skin-side] [of duck breast, fish, etc.]Hautseite {f} [von Entenbrüsten, Fischen etc.]
on the [noun] side [e.g. on the server side][Substantiv]-seitig [z. B. serverseitig]
lit. F The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side [Agatha Christie]Mord im Spiegel
hunting weapons side-by-side rifle/shotgun combinationBüchsflinte {f}
constr. head-and-side-locking tile [tile with side and head lock]Falzziegel {m}
hunting weapons side-by-side rifle combinationDoppelbüchse {f}
hunting weapons side-by-side shotgun combinationDoppelflinte {f}
by me {adv} [next to me, by my side]an meiner Seite
living side-by-sideZusammenleben {n}
bike side-by-side bicycleNebeneinandem {n} [Nebeneinander-Tandem]
lay byParkstreifen {m}
traffic lay-byAusbuchtung {f} [zum Parken]
traffic lay-byParkbucht {f}
naut. to go by the board [go over a ship's side]über Bord gehen
constr. tech. level {adj} {adv} [straight from side to side, e.g. a shelf]im Wasser [Fachjargon] [exakt in der Waagerechten]
to lay sth. byetw.Akk. beiseitelegen [sparen]
transp. lay-by [Br.]Haltebucht {f}
traffic lay-by [Br.]Rastplatz {m}
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