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English-German translation for: layer
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Dictionary English German: layer

Translation 1 - 50 of 622  >>


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NOUN   a layer | layers
VERB  to layer | layered | layered ... 
SYNO   bed | layer | layer | level ... 
to layer
to layer
hort. to layer
hort. to layerAbsenker machen
to layer sth.etw.Akk. schichtweise übereinanderlegen
to layer sth. [divide into layers]etw.Akk. in Schichten aufteilen
hort. to layer sth. [propagate by layering]etw.Akk. durch Ableger vermehren
Schicht {f}
layer [e.g. of meaning]
Ebene {f} [fig.]
Lage {f} [Schicht]
tech. layer
Auflage {f} [Lage, Schicht]
hort. layer
Ableger {m} [Absenker]
agr. layer [laying hen]
Legehenne {f}
agr. orn. layer [laying hen]
Henne {f} [Leghenne]
geol. layer
Bank {f}
hort. layer
Absenker {m}
hort. layer
Abriss {m}
agr. layer
Leger {m}
hort. layer
Kindel {n} [Absenker]
2 Words: Others
double-layer {adj} [attr.]doppellagig
double-layer {adj} [attr.]doppelschichtig
double-layer {adj} [attr.]zweischichtig
four-layer {adj} [attr.]vierlagig
four-layer {adj} [attr.]vierschichtig
photo. layer-based {adj} [image processing]ebenenbasiert [Bildbearbeitung]
layer-forming {adj}schichtbildend
multi-layer {adj} [attr.]mehrlagig
multi-layer {adj} [attr.]Mehrschicht-
multi-layer {adj} [attr.]mehrschichtig
multi-layer {adj} [attr.]vielschichtig
multi-layer {adj} [attr.]auf mehreren Ebenen [nachgestellt]
single-layer {adj} [attr.]einlagig
single-layer {adj} [attr.]einschichtig
thin-layer {adj} [attr.]Dünnschicht-
three-layer {adj} [attr.]dreischichtig
three-layer {adj} <3-layer> [attr.]dreilagig <3-lagig>
triple-layer {adj} [attr.]dreilagig
triple-layer {adj} [attr.]dreischichtig
two-layer {adj} [attr.]zweilagig
tech. two-layer {adj} [attr.]Zweischicht-
two-layer {adj} [attr.]zweischichtig
2 Words: Nouns
anat. med. abdominal layerBauchschicht {f}
absorbent layerAbsorptionsschicht {f}
geol. tech. accumulation layer [enhancement layer]Anreicherungsschicht {f}
biol. geol. active layer(oberste) aktive Bodenschicht {f}
additional layerZusatzschicht {f}
additional layerzusätzliche Schicht {f}
MedTech. photo. adherent layerHaftschicht {f}
tech. adhesive layerHaftbelag {m}
chem. adsorption layerAdsorptionsschicht {f}
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A 2021-09-02: might be: layer (of consciousness) / frame of mind
A 2020-09-12: to abrade through the veneer / surface / finish / top layer
A 2017-02-09: Sperrdruck / Sperrschicht > blocking layer
A 2016-02-29: peritoneal layer
A 2015-04-06: Our pollen layer is as thick as snow.
A 2014-11-19: Spachteln gives smooth, a thin layer of plaster on a wall, used to fill in...
A 2013-04-29: piliferous > behaart, haartragend; mit Haaren / piliferous layer ~ root ha...
A 2013-02-28: +vorblenden+ suggests another layer in front of what is already displayed
A 2013-02-23: with a durable membrane (layer)
A 2012-12-06: to purchase a reinsurance excess layer above US$ 240 Mio (layer = Schadene...
A 2012-11-21: no, drywall facing is the plasterboards paper facing (top paper layer)
A 2012-09-17: ozone layer
A 2012-09-17: Using "the ozone" as a synonym for "the ozone layer" is not quite right
Q 2011-07-19: layer with a thickness below four-five times the skin depth
Q 2011-05-10: Constrained-layer damping (EN->DE)
A 2011-05-06: "These skin-tight jeans are KILLING ME!" = I don't feel comfy in them beca...
Q 2011-03-29: Packlage is Package layer?
A 2011-03-17: apply a generous layer
A 2011-03-10: Mostly yes, but an aluminium layer on building siding is not semipermeable...
A 2011-03-10: The aluminium is a layer, but the context may be that the aluminium outler...

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