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English-German translation for: layers
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Dictionary English German: layers

Translation 1 - 44 of 44

English German
NOUN   a layer | layers
VERB  to layer | layered | layered
layering | layers
Schichten {pl}
cosmet. layers [hair]
Stufen {pl} [Haarschnitt]
agr. comm. zool. layers [egg-laying hens]
Legehennen {pl} [eierproduzierendes Geflügel]
2 Words: Others
in layers {adv}lagenweise
in layers {adv}lageweise
in layers {adv}schichtweise
in layers {adv}in Schichten [lagenweise]
2 Words: Nouns
adjacent layers(aneinander) angrenzende Schichten {pl}
alternate layersabwechselnde Lagen {pl}
chem. geol. mineral. alternating layersWechsellagerung {f}
archaeo. Aurignacian layersAurignacien-Fundschichten {pl}
archaeo. Aurignacian layersAurignacien-Schichten {pl} [auch: Aurignacienschichten]
med. corneal layersHornhautschichten {pl}
anat. epidermal layersEpidermisschichten {pl}
biol. germ layersKeimschichten {pl} [z. B. für Organe]
biol. germ layers [embryotic layers]Keimblätter {pl}
material tech. grain layersKornlagen {pl}
anat. pleural layersPleurablätter {pl}
anat. retinal layersNetzhautschichten {pl}
geol. rock layersGesteinsschichten {pl}
geol. sediment layersSedimentlagen {pl}
bot. vegetation layersVegetationsschichten {pl}
3 Words: Verbs
to arrange sth. in layersetw. in Schichten anordnen
to cut sth. in layers [hair]etw.Akk. stufen [Haare]
3 Words: Nouns
agr. orn. brown (egg) layersBraunleger {pl}
agr. orn. green (egg) layers [chicken]Grünleger {pl}
cloth. layers of clothingBekleidungsschichten {pl}
geol. layers of earthErdschichten {pl}
layers of realityRealitätsschichten {pl}
anat. layers of skinHautschichten {pl}
layers of thatchReetschichten {pl}
hist. relig. layers of traditionÜberlieferungsschichten {pl}
astron. outer solar layersäußere Sonnenschichten {pl}
geol. tech. sequence of layersSchichtenabfolge {f}
geol. tech. sequence of layersSchichtenfolge {f}
agr. orn. white (egg) layersWeißleger {pl}
4 Words: Nouns
tech. insertion of intermediate layersEinbau {m} von Zwischenschichten
layers of the populationBevölkerungsschichten {pl}
5+ Words: Others
quote Sandwich every bit of criticism between two layers of praise. [Mary Kay Ash]Pack auch die leiseste Kritik zwischen zwei Scheiben Lob!
5+ Words: Verbs
constr. to be grouted in several layersin mehreren Schichten gegossen werden
to be mired in layers of sth.in einem Übermaß von etw. feststecken
to put in layers one on top of the otheraufeinanderschichten
to put in layers one on top of the otheraufeinander schichten [alt]
5+ Words: Nouns
med. splitting of the nails in layersAufspaltung {f} der Nagelplatte [Onychoschisis]
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Q 2021-12-23: some layers
Q 2021-12-23: some layers
A 2015-01-13: Arrangement of layers, layering (not "layings.")
A 2014-10-09: http://www.kissthisguy.com/some-day-we-may-be-layers-they-think-th-mishear...
Q 2012-12-06: Plazierung eines Layers nach...?
A 2011-05-02: gas barrier layers of aluminum
A 2010-08-06: if it's "zweilagig" (and not "zweilagige"), doesn't it mean that two layer...
A 2009-12-12: I just wonder what would happen at work when you tell your co-workers that...
A 2009-12-11: I would go with Lisa's suggestion, outermost, or with upper layers of skin.
A 2009-09-22: ich bin auf registers und layers gestoßen.
Q 2009-07-14: (layers and) layers of rules = mehr und mehr Bestimmungen
A 2009-02-13: Vielleicht besser: +bundled into layers+ of protective clothing
A 2008-09-13: which have advanced into deeper layers
A 2008-07-22: I would say, "pour it onto" ... "so that the layers can be clearly discer...
A 2008-06-26: No, 'spin' means here ' layers of rhetoric to hide the (ugly) truth/the re...
A 2008-05-28: ? allow layers to rest for one night
A 2008-01-17: samples giving examples of other types of layers
Q 2007-11-14: layers of rooms
A 2007-11-07: Haftverbesserungs-oder Bindeschichten (layers bezieht sich auf beides)
A 2007-11-07: 'tie layers' doesn't seem to fit grammatically with the rest of the sentence

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