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English-German translation for: laying
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Dictionary English German: laying

Translation 1 - 50 of 84  >>

English German
VERB  to lay | laid | laid
laying | lays
SYNO   egg laying | laying
laying {adj} {past-p} [producing eggs]
legend [attr.] [z. B. legende Hennen]
Legen {n}
laying [of bricks, tiles, etc.]
Verlegung {f}
Auflegen {n}
2 Words: Others
zool. egg-laying {adj}eierlegend
laying downhinlegend
laying ineinkellernd
laying onaufstreichend
laying openfreilegend
laying out {adj} {pres-p}aufbahrend
2 Words: Nouns
brick-layingMauern {n} [Tätigkeit]
brick-layingMaurerei {f}
cable layingKabelverlegen {n}
cable layingKabelverlegung {f}
electr. cable laying [also cable-laying]Kabellegung {f}
mil. weapons direct layingdirektes Richten {n}
ecol. hort. hedge layingAnlegen {n} von Hecken
naut. keel layingKiellegung {f}
agr. laying batteryLegebatterie {f}
laying downNiederlegung {f}
engin. tech. laying drawingVerlegezeichnung {f}
agr. laying henLegehenne {f}
agr. laying hensLegehennen {pl}
laying materialsVerlegewerkstoffe {pl}
tech. laying methodVerlegeart {f}
agr. orn. laying nestLegenest {n}
laying outAufbahrung {f}
hort. laying out [of a park / grounds]Anlage {f} [Anlegen, eines Parks / Gartens]
laying performanceLegeleistung {f}
tech. laying procedureVerlegeverfahren {n}
agr. laying stocksLegerassen {pl}
tech. laying systemVerlegeart {f}
laying toolsVerlegewerkzeuge {pl}
ecol. laying waste [to something]Devastierung {f}
Unverified laying-downFestlegung {f}
weapons mine laying [also: mine-laying]Minenlegen {n}
constr. hydro. tech. pipe layingRohrleitungsverlegung {f}
electr. hydro. tech. pipe layingRohrverlegung {f}
tech. sloping layingGefälleverlegung {f}
tech. submarine laying [of pipelines, cables, etc.]Meerverlegung {f}
wreath layingKranzniederlegung {f}
3 Words: Nouns
tech. bridge-laying systemBrückenlegegerät {n}
constr. mil. bridge-laying tankBrückenlegepanzer {m}
cable laying planKabelführungsplan {m}
naut. cable-laying shipKabelleger {m}
agr. day of laying [egg]Legetag {m} [Ei]
tech. dust-laying oilStaubbindeöl {n}
tech. dust-laying oilstaubbindendes Öl {n}
zool. egg-laying behavior [Am.]Eiablageverhalten {n}
zool. egg-laying behaviour [Br.]Eiablageverhalten {n}
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A 2023-07-08: Laying it on thick on all sides.
A 2023-01-18: pivotal / ground(-)laying speech
Q 2018-11-12: as theer’s at all times some laying by for him
A 2018-04-18: buying ahead (special offer, sale, action), or: laying down stock
A 2016-12-21: Sieht das nicht sehr nach einer falschen Spur aus? Terrorists laying a fal...
Q 2015-10-04: I’ll be laying out the problem statement.
Q 2015-03-23: laying, lying or ...
Q 2014-10-29: laying pipe - Am.Engl.
A 2013-10-15: thanks for laying it out so clearly, Lilama
A 2013-06-05: laying
A 2012-06-29: laying tile?
A 2012-06-12: ... cable, +serving+ s proof of the integrity of the cable sheath and the ...
A 2010-07-15: the laying of the road
A 2009-04-15: Gerüst > scaffolding, Gerüstbelag > laying member / platform, Geländerholm...
A 2009-04-02: screeding systems, tiling systems / flag-laying systems
A 2009-01-22: "...laying down backbround sound...?"
A 2009-01-01: Well, you benefit hugely from reading up on German legal intricacies. Afte...
A 2008-10-01: Laying method: glued (as an alternative)
A 2008-09-28: yes, laying underground pipes
A 2008-08-26: laying low (US) ~ lying low (general English) http://www.thefreediction...

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