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English-German translation for: lean body
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Dictionary English German: lean body

Translation 1 - 50 of 1457  >>

Keywords contained
med. lean body mass <LBM>magere Körpermasse {f}
biol. lean body mass <LBM>Magermasse {f}
Partial Matches
lean {adj}hager
lean {adj}knapp
lean {adj}schlank
to leanlehnen
to leansich neigen
lean {adj} [body]dünn
gastr. lean {adj} [meat]fettarm
lean {adj} [person]dürr
to lean [building]schief stehen [Gebäude]
to lean [trees]sich biegen [Bäume]
FoodInd. the leandas Magere {n} [bes. des Fleisches]
fin. Unverified lean hogSchweinebauch
fin. Unverified lean hogsSchweinebäuche
lean-to {adj}angebaut
to lean backsichAkk. nach hinten lehnen
to lean backsichAkk. zurücklehnen
to lean backwardssich zurücklehnen
to lean forwardsichAkk. nach vorn / vorne beugen
to lean forwardsichAkk. nach vorn / vorne lehnen
to lean forwardsichAkk. vorbeugen
to lean forwardsichAkk. vorlehnen
to lean forwardsichAkk. vorneigen
to lean outsich hinausbeugen
to lean outsich hinauslehnen
to lean oversichAkk. vorbeugen
econ. lean administrationLean Administration {f}
admin. econ. lean administrationschlanke Verwaltung {f}
lean buildschlanker Wuchs {m}
geol. mining lean coalMagerkohle {f}
constr. lean concreteMagerbeton {m}
lean dietLean-Diät {f} [auch fig.]
tech. lean gasgeringwertiges Gas {n}
chem. ind. lean gasSchwachgas {n}
agr. lean harvestmagere Ernte {f}
constr. lean limeMagerkalk {m}
econ. lean managementschlankes Management {n}
econ. lean manufacturingschlanke Produktion {f}
gastr. lean meatmageres Fleisch {n}
automot. lean mixturemageres Gemisch {n}
geol. mining lean oreMagererz {n}
lean periodDurststrecke {f}
econ. lean productionschlanke Produktion {f}
FoodInd. lean proteinsLean-Proteine {pl}
FoodInd. lean proteinsmagere Proteine {pl}
econ. lean spellDurststrecke {f}
lean timesmagere Zeiten {pl}
gastr. lean topsideKaiserteil {n} [mageres Fleisch]
lean yearmageres Jahr {n}
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