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Dictionary English German: lease

Translation 1 - 50 of 113  >>

English German
NOUN   a lease | leases
VERB  to lease | leased | leased ... 
SYNO   to lease | to rent | to let | lease ... 
to lease
to lease sth.
etw.Akk. pachten
RealEst. to lease
to lease
RealEst. spec. to lease sth.etw. in Bestand haben [österr.]
Miete {f}
law lease [contract]
Mietvertrag {m}
law lease
Pacht {f} [Pachtvertrag, Pachtdauer]
econ. law RealEst. lease [right to use a leased object]
Bestand {m} [österr.] [südd.] [Nutzungsrechte auf ein gepachtetes Objekt]
law lease
Verpachtung {f}
Pachtverhältnis {n}
law lease
Pachtung {f}
law RealEst. leaseMietverhältnis {n}
econ. RealEst. lease [leased asset]Leasingobjekt {n}
econ. law RealEst. lease [object under lease]gepachtetes Objekt {n}
econ. law RealEst. lease [object under lease]Objekt {n} in Bestand [österr.] [südd.]
2 Words: Others
law by lease {adv}durch Pacht
law on lease {adv}auf Pacht
law on lease {adv}in Miete
law on lease {adv}in Pacht
2 Words: Verbs
aviat. to dry-lease[ein Flugzeug ohne Personal oder Versicherung mieten]
to lease sth. (to sb.)etw.Akk. (an jdn.) verpachten
RealEst. spec. to lease sth. outetw. in Bestand geben [österr.]
to lease sth. to sb.etw. an jdn. verleasen
law to sub-leaseweiterverpachten
aviat. to wet-lease[ein Flugzeug samt Personal und Versicherung mieten]
2 Words: Nouns
law building leaseBaurecht {n}
law building leaseErbbaurecht {n}
building-leaseerbpachtrechtliche Überlassung {f}
acc. fin. capital leaseFinanzierungsleasing {n}
capital leaseLeasing {n} von Anlagen
equipment leaseGeräteleasing {n}
fin. finance leaseFinanzierungsleasing {n}
finance leaseFinanz-Leasingvertrag {m}
financial leaseFinanzierungs-Leasing {n}
RealEst. fixed leaseFestpacht {f}
ground leaseGrundstückspacht {f}
law hereditary leaseErbpacht {f}
agr. hist. land lease [also: land-lease]Landleihe {f}
lease agreementMietvertrag {m}
law lease agreementPachtvertrag {m}
lease contractLeasingvertrag {m}
lease contractMietvertrag {m}
lease contractPachtvertrag {m}
fin. law lease costsMietkosten {pl}
law lease expirationAuslauf {m} des Mietvertrages
law lease expirationAuslaufen {n} des Mietvertrages
comm. RealEst. lease extensionMietvertragsverlängerung {f}
RealEst. lease income {sg}Pachteinnahmen {pl}
fin. lease liabilityLeasingverbindlichkeit {f}
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Q 2024-07-05: Ist "pachten" , "leasen" und "mieten" wirklich dasselbe (lease)?
Q 2020-09-08: ZÚninsured hazards in a Lease Agreement
A 2018-05-04: In that event the sign reads +For lease+
A 2017-08-10: Cf. also +breeding lease+
A 2017-08-10: Lease
Q 2016-06-05: "lease of sovereignity"
A 2016-01-29: ? Accounting apportionment item: advance lease instalments
Q 2015-04-09: retail lease
A 2014-12-19: to lease - mieten, vermieten, to lease out ( = nach draußen) - weiter vermieten
Q 2014-12-19: lease back / lease out
A 2014-11-18: Giving notice to terminate the (contract, lease, whatever) early / for goo...
A 2013-08-13: property lease = Miete
Q 2013-08-13: cost of lease revenue
A 2013-04-04: It's not a hurrah contract, it's only +lend-lease contracts.+
A 2011-04-08: Die Insel steht nicht zum Verkauf, sondern sie wird in Pacht / Erbpacht (l...
Q 2010-08-10: Lease
Q 2010-07-21: How can you "sell a lease"? Or rather: How do you translate it?
A 2010-01-21: Rent and lease sounds wrong - if you use this form, it should be rent and ...
Q 2009-08-13: (tax-exempt accounts) ..... have been given a lease of life beyond their i...
A 2009-07-31: A designates B for the settlement of Credit and lease queries of the autho...

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