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English-German translation for: leasing
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Dictionary English German: leasing

Translation 1 - 44 of 44


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NOUN   a leasing | leasings
VERB  to lease | leased | leased
leasing | leases
NOUN   das Leasing | die Leasings
SYNO   Ablokation | Bestandgabe | Leasing ... 
leasing {adj} {pres-p}
leasing {adj} {pres-p}verpachtend
Verpachtung {f}
Leasing {n}
Miete {f}
Anmietung {f}
Vermietung {f}
Mieten {n}
Pachten {n}
leasingMieten {n} von Anlagen
leasingVermietung {f} von Maschinen
2 Words: Nouns
capital leaseLeasing {n} von Anlagen
direct leasingdirektes Leasing {n}
jobs employee leasingArbeitskräfte-Leasing {n}
comm. equipment leasingLeasing {n} beweglicher Wirtschaftsgüter
financial leaseFinanzierungs-Leasing {n}
financial leasingFinanzierungsleasing {n}
indirect leasingindirektes Leasing {n}
Unverified labor leasing [Am.]ANÜ (Arbeitnehmerueberlassung)
econ. jobs labour leasing [Br.]Arbeitnehmerüberlassung {f}
leasing agreementLeasingvertrag {m}
RealEst. leasing capacityVermietbarkeit {f}
leasing companyLeasinggesellschaft {f}
leasing companyLeasing-Gesellschaft {f}
leasing companyLeasing-Unternehmen {n}
leasing contractMietvertrag {m}
leasing marketLeasingmarkt {m}
leasing marketMietmarkt {m}
net leasingNetto-Leasing {n}
comm. operating leaseoperatives Leasing {n}
operating leasingjederzeit kündbarer Leasing-Vertrag {m}
econ. Unverified personnel leasingArbeitnehmerüberlassung {f} <ANÜ>
econ. personnel leasingArbeitskräfteüberlassung {f}
personnel leasingPersonal-Leasing {n}
product leasingMobilien-Leasing {n}
fin. RealEst. property leasingImmobilien-Leasing {n}
rental businessLeasing-Geschäft {n}
comm. secondhand leasingLeasing {n} gebrauchter Wirtschaftsgüter
3 Words: Nouns
comm. closed-end leasingLeasing {n} ohne Restwertrisiko
favorable leasing rate [Am.]günstige Miete {f}
favourable leasing rate [Br.]günstige Miete {f}
comm. open-end leasingLeasing {n} mit Restwertrisiko
5+ Words: Nouns
econ. leasing of machinery for construction purposesBaumaschinenvermietung {f}
period of the leasing contractDauer {f} des Leasing-Vertrags
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A 2024-03-28: personnel leasing
A 2024-03-28: staff leasing
A 2011-07-15: ~ rental / leasing business
A 2010-11-13: Here's a decent translation of a leasing agreement. It uses "sliding repla...
Q 2009-07-18: rental leasing
A 2009-04-24: Beginning this financial year, leasing contracts shall be classified as fi...
Q 2008-12-11: Auszug aus den House Rules (leasing agreement)
Q 2008-12-10: wieder aus dem leasing agreement
Q 2008-12-10: Leasing agreement
A 2008-03-26: staff leasing income / profits ?
A 2008-02-24: increase/raise of leasing costs ?
A 2007-07-25: leasing payment instalments ?
A 2007-06-19: Statutory notice of termination shall be excluded for the duration of the ...
A 2007-06-02: Rest ( oder rückzahlbare ) - Förderung. Oder Leasing, mehr fällt mir im Mo...
A 2007-05-25: without tying up large amounts , renting/leasing ancillary infrastructure
A 2006-11-24: ok thanks...why Leasing? is that the term then?
Q 2006-11-23: Leasing-Außendienstes
A 2006-11-06: leasing pool
A 2006-11-02: its still a leasing agreement if its a company: at grass roots it may be
A 2006-09-19: Leasing contracts collected in a basket accounted in Euro

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