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English-German translation for: least
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Dictionary English German: least

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ADJ   little | less/lesser/littler | least/littlest
SYNO   least | to the lowest degree
least {adj}
least {adj}
least {adj}
least {adj}
'least {adv} [coll.] [at least](na) wenigstens
least {adv}am wenigsten
the leastdas Mindeste {n}
2 Words: Others
at least {adv}jedenfalls [zumindest]
at least {adv}mindestens
at least {adv}wenigstens
at least {adv}zumindest
at least {adv}am wenigsten
at least {adv}auf jeden Fall [zumindest, jedenfalls]
at least {adv} [if nothing else]immerhin [wenigstens]
least affected {adj}am wenigsten beeinträchtigt
relig. least churchly {adj}unkirchlichste
least expensive {adj}billigste
least likely {adj}am ehesten nicht
least likely {adj}am wenigsten wahrscheinlich
least often {adv}am seltensten
least responsible {adj}verantwortungsloseste
least risky {adj}risikoärmste
least significant {adj}niederstwertig
least significant {adj}niedrigstwertig
least successful {adj}erfolgloseste
least-cost {adj}kostenoptimal
not leastnicht zuletzt
math. the least {pron}das kleinste
2 Words: Nouns
orn. least bitternsIndianerdommeln {pl}
least cost {sg}geringste Kosten {pl}
3 Words: Others
at least not {adv}wenigstens nicht
at least one {adv}mindestens ein
at least partly {adv}zumindest teilweise
at least since {conj}spätestens seit
at the least {adv}wenigstens
least of all {adv}am allerwenigsten
least of all {adv}am wenigsten
least of all {adv}ganz zuletzt [am wenigsten] [fig.]
least sought-after {adj}ungeliebteste [Job, Aufgabe etc.]
not least because ...nicht zuletzt deshalb, weil ...
bot. zool. of least concern {adj} <LC> [postpos]ungefährdet
the very least {pron} [one can expect]das mindeste der Gefühle [ugs.] [das Mindeste]
3 Words: Nouns
math. least common multiple <LCM>kleinstes gemeinsames Vielfaches {n} <kgV>
admin. least developed countries <LDCs, LLDCs>LDC / LDCs {pl} [Least Developed Countries] [am wenigsten entwickelte Länder]
least developed countries <LDCs, LLDCs>LDC-Länder {pl} [ugs.]
admin. least developed country <LDC, LLDC>Least Developed Country {n} <LDC, LLDC>
least possible cost {sg}geringste Kosten {pl}
least possible delaygeringstmögliche Verzögerung {f}
comp. least significant bit <LSB>niedrigwertigstes Bit {n}
comp. least significant bit <LSB>niedrigwertigstes Byte {n} [seltener für: niedrigstwertiges Byte]
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Q 2024-08-29: least common multiple
A 2023-05-17: Agree, in this context it would be a form. Paper in this context is equiva...
A 2023-01-16: @MichaelK: locum - at least in BE - refers specifically to a doctor ...
A 2022-07-20: No, I wouldn't use it, at least not there. Would go with present perfect.
A 2021-12-27: At least in the UK, such statutes are always called +acts+
A 2021-12-06: Generous width of Parisian boulevards not least occasioned by consideratio...
A 2020-02-21: I think the entry definitely needs, at least, disambiguation.
A 2019-10-11: Before unfolding the canopy make sure to store it at room temperature for ...
A 2019-09-08: Interesting, how he missed +shawty+ At least +shorty+ might have come to m...
Q 2019-06-20: Is my version at least in the ballpark?
A 2019-05-19: at least Australians know the term
A 2019-04-18: the word "Kunden" indicates it's (at least mainly) financial;
A 2018-08-24: romy, it will probably take at least another 5 years to get the Brexit thi...
A 2018-04-13: So at least in one respect I seem to agree with Lllllllama
Q 2018-03-05: at least I'm getting there
A 2018-01-12: @aphoenix: If you go by Merriam-Webster or Oxford online, you can at least...
Q 2018-01-12: "Never heard or read the word" is the weakest and least convincing argumen...
A 2017-09-28: So then, +full backup+ every day or at least every other day?
A 2017-06-28: "etc." is more often used in German than is "usw." At least they are used ...
Q 2017-06-21: Have I at least got the gist of it?

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