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English-German translation for: leaving
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Dictionary English German: leaving

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VERB1  to leave | left | left
leaving | leaves
VERB2  to leave [put forth leaves] | leaved | leaved
leaving | leaves
SYNO   departure | going | going away ... 
leaving {adj} {pres-p}
leaving {adj} [train etc.]
abfahrend [attr.]
leaving {adj} {pres-p} [a country]
ausreisend [attr.]
Verlassen {n}
Abgang {m} [Weggehen, Verlassen]
Gehen {n} [Abschied]
law leaving
Überlassung {f}
leaving [e.g. of sth. somewhere]
Belassen {n}
leaving [job, profession, etc.]
Ausstieg {m} [fig.] [aus dem Beruf]
Weggang {m}
leaving [exit]
Hinausgehen {n}
leavingFortgang {m} [Weggang]
leaving [e.g. an office position, a firm]Ausscheiden {n} [z. B. aus einem Amt, einer Firma]
2 Words: Others
leaving ajar {pres-p}angelehnt lassend [Tür, Fenster]
leaving open {adj}auflassend [Tür, Fenster]
while leaving {adv}im Hinausgehen
2 Words: Nouns
educ. leaving certificateAbschlusszeugnis {n}
educ. leaving certificateSchulabgangszeugnis {n}
educ. Leaving Certificate [Irish: A-Levels]Matura {f} [österr.]
educ. leaving certificate [Irish]Abgangszeugnis {n} [Abitur, Matura etc.]
jobs leaving dateAustrittsdatum {n}
leaving do [Br.] [coll.]Abschiedsfete {f} [ugs.]
leaving do [Br.] [coll.]Ausstand {m} [Abschiedsfeier]
leaving do [Br.] [coll.]Ausstandsfeier {f}
educ. leaving examination [Br.]Abgangsprüfung {f}
chem. leaving groupAbgangsgruppe {f}
chem. leaving groupFluchtgruppe {f}
leaving party [Br.]Abschiedsfeier {f}
leaving passengersabfahrende Passagiere {pl}
leaving presentAbschiedsgeschenk {n}
educ. leaving schoolAbgang {m} von der Schule
educ. leaving schoolAbgehen {n} von der Schule
naut. leaving service [procedure that ends the service of a sailor]Abmusterung {f}
leaving undisturbedBelassung {f}
leaving-certificateAbgangszeugnis {n}
jobs persons leavingAbgänge {pl}
jobs persons leavingAustritte {pl}
educ. school leavingSchulabgang {m}
educ. school-leavingSchulentlassung {f}
3 Words: Others
after leaving school {adv}nach der Schulentlassung [auch: nach meiner / deiner / seiner / ihrer / unserer / eurer Schulentlassung]
educ. after leaving school {adv}nach dem Abgang von der Schule
I'm leaving you!Ich verlasse dich!
3 Words: Nouns
educ. early school leavingSchulabbruch {m}
relig. leaving a church [by an official declaration]Kirchenaustritt {m} [offiziell]
pol. leaving a partyParteiaustritt {m}
leaving without noticeNichteinhaltung {f} der Kündigungsfrist
educ. persons leaving schoolAbgänger {pl}
educ. school leaving examinationMatura {f} [österr.] [schweiz.]
educ. school leaving examination [and university entrance examination]Reifeprüfung {f}
school-leaving ageSchulabgangsalter {n}
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A 2023-11-03: "leaving" kann doch weg
A 2023-11-03: to avoid soiling the surface of ... / to avoid leaving residues of adhes...
A 2023-04-26: Tatbild ~ Tatbestand > material elements of a crime ( +actus reus+ leaving...
A 2021-08-10: The world, and my words in it, are poorer for your leaving
A 2021-08-10: The world, and my words in it, are poorer for your leaving
Q 2021-08-08: The world, and my words in it, are poorer for your leaving
A 2020-10-01: school leaving certificate awarded for the completion of secondary school
A 2017-02-06: Put more elegantly: How long had she been working here before leaving.
A 2017-02-06: Is a decision in favour of leaving the EU imaginable or is the contrary vo...
A 2017-01-25: Maybe +streams leaving their banks+
A 2016-10-23: I took Abschied to mean that one of them was leaving, not that they were b...
Q 2016-02-26: Leaving the EU would hurt Britain, weakening its economy and imperilling ...
A 2015-10-14: +Leaving Before The Rain Comes: Clear vision in cloudy times.+ (El tiempo ...
A 2015-02-26: staff leaving form --- man kann die auch runterladen und anschauen
A 2015-02-26: staff leaving
A 2013-12-14: What happened to Tayfun-D? You are not really leaving us, are you?
A 2013-08-21: people around me were leaving their seats
A 2012-12-23: obtain a school-leaving qualification later
Q 2012-07-13: Would it be necessary to insert a comma between 'language' and 'anyway' be...
A 2012-06-30: Please preheat the oven as I'm leaving Lidl

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