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English-German translation for: lebhaftes Interesse (an)
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Dictionary English German: lebhaftes Interesse an

Translation 1 - 50 of 5109  >>

vivid interest (in)lebhaftes Interesse {n} (an) [+Dat.]
Partial Matches
keen interestlebhaftes Interesse {n}
lively interestlebhaftes Interesse {n}
vivid interestlebhaftes Interesse {n}
lack of interestMangel {m} an Interesse
interest (in sb./sth.)Interesse {n} (an jdm./etw.)
demand for a securityInteresse {n} an einem Wertpapier
demand for short-term fundsInteresse {n} an kurzfristigen Mitteln
interest in our productsInteresse {n} an unseren Waren
to evince interest in sb./sth.an jdm./etw. Interesse bekunden
to be interested in sb./sth.an jdm./etw. Interesse haben
to convey interest (in sth.)Interesse (an etw.Dat.) zeigen
to show an interest (in sb./sth.)Interesse (an jdm./etw.) zeigen
to express interest in sth.Interesse an etw.Dat. bekunden
to harbor an interest in sb./sth. [Am.]Interesse an jdm./etw. hegen
declining interest in sth.schwindendes Interesse {n} an etw.Dat.
declining interest in sth.sinkendes Interesse {n} an etw.Dat.
I'm not remotely interested in ...Ich habe keinerlei Interesse an ...
the scholarliness of his interestssein Interesse {n} an hochgeistigen Dingen
stomach (for sb./sth.) [fig.] [postpos.]Interesse {n} (an jdm./etw.) [Lust, Neigung]
sb. showed an interest (in sb./sth.)jd. zeigte Interesse (an jdm./etw.)
to spark sb.'s interest in sb./sth.jds. Interesse an jdm./etw. wecken
to take a great interest in sth.an etw.Dat. großes Interesse haben
to lose interest (in sb./sth.)das Interesse (an jdm./etw.) verlieren
to advertise an interest in sth.ein Interesse an etw.Dat. kundtun
to kindle an interest in sth.ein Interesse an etw.Dat. wecken
to be greatly interested in sth.großes Interesse an etw.Dat. zeigen
to show great interest in sth.großes Interesse an etw.Dat. zeigen
an incipient interest in sb./sth.ein beginnendes Interesse {n} an jdm./etw.
an incipient interest in sb./sth.ein erwachendes Interesse {n} an jdm./etw.
to have little interest in natural lifewenig Interesse an der Natur haben
to take a proactive interest in sth.ein aktives Interesse an etw.Dat. zeigen
to heighten the profile of sth./sb.für mehr Interesse an etw./jdm. sorgen
Unverified to lose interest quickly in sb./sth.schnell das Interesse an jdm./etw. verlieren
to stimulate (the) interest (of sb.) (in sb./sth.)das Interesse (von jdm.) (an jdm./etw.) fördern
to spark interest in sb./sth. in sb.in / bei jdm. Interesse an jdm./etw. wecken
vivid bluelebhaftes Blau {n}
brisk firelebhaftes Feuer {n}
animated conversationlebhaftes Gespräch {n}
active accountlebhaftes Konto {n}
bright redlebhaftes Rot {n}
lively playlebhaftes Spiel {n}
breezy welcomelebhaftes Willkommen {n}
to meet with a positive / lively response from sb.bei jdm. ein starkes / lebhaftes Echo finden [fig.]
concernInteresse {n}
interestInteresse {n}
perfunctorily {adv}ohne Interesse
to register interestInteresse anmelden
to indicate interestInteresse bekunden
to arouse interestInteresse erregen
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lebhafter Empfang
lebhafter Geldmarkt
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lebhafter Markt
lebhafter Wind
lebhaftes Blau
lebhaftes Feuer
lebhaftes Gespräch
lebhaftes Interesse
lebhaftes Interesse (an)
lebhaftes Konto
lebhaftes Rot
lebhaftes Spiel
lebhafte Stadt
lebhaftes Willkommen
lebhafte Tätigkeit
lebhafte Umsätze
lebhafte Unterhaltung

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