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English-German translation for: lenses
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Dictionary English German: lenses

Translation 1 - 36 of 36

English German
NOUN   a lens | lenses
VERB  to lens | lensed | lensed
lensing | lenses
optics lenses
Linsen {pl}
optics lenses [of spectacles]
Brillengläser {pl}
optics photo. lenses [of an optical instrument, e.g. camera]
Objektive {pl}
optics lenses [of spectacles]
Gläser {pl} [Brillengläser]
2 Words: Nouns
bifocal lensesBifokalgläser {pl}
optics bifocal lensesbifokale Linsen {pl}
contact lensesContactlinsen {pl} [alt]
contact lensesHaftschalen {pl}
med. optics contact lensesKontaktlinsen {pl}
med. conventional lensesJahreslinsen {pl}
MedTech. corrective lensesKorrekturgläser {pl}
med. corrective lensesKorrekturlinsen {pl} [Augenheilkunde]
photo. interchangeable lensesWechselobjektive {pl}
optics multifocal lensesMehrstärkengläser {pl}
optics multiple lensesMehrfachlinsen {pl}
MedTech. optics opaque lensesOpakgläser {pl} [Brille]
optics optical lensesoptische Linsen {pl}
MedTech. optics photochromic lensesfotochrome Linsen {pl}
MedTech. optics photochromic lensesphotochrome Linsen {pl}
photo. telephoto lensesTeleobjektive {pl}
med. optics toric lensestorische Linsen {pl}
med. trifocal lensesDreistärkengläser {pl}
optics trifocal lenses {pl}Trifokalgläser {pl}
3 Words: Nouns
colored contact lenses [Am.]farbige Kontaktlinsen {pl}
coloured contact lenses [Br.]farbige Kontaktlinsen {pl}
optics contact lenses caseKontaktlinsenbehälter {m}
contact lenses solutionKontaktlinsenflüssigkeit {f}
med. conventional contact lensesJahreskontaktlinsen {pl}
med. disposable contact lensesEinmalkontaktlinsen {pl}
med. optics hard contact lensesharte Kontaktlinsen {pl}
med. monthly contact lensesMonatslinsen {pl}
MedTech. optics silicone hydrogel lensesSilikon-Hydrogel-Linsen {pl}
med. optics soft contact lensesweiche Kontaktlinsen {pl}
med. toric contact lenses [for astigmatism]torische Kontaktlinsen {pl} [bei Hornhautverkrümmung]
4 Words: Verbs
to insert one's contact lensesseine Kontaktlinsen einsetzen
4 Words: Nouns
med. contact lenses with prescriptionKontaktlinsen {pl} mit Stärke
» See 5 more translations for lenses within comments
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A 2014-10-16: AE: light adjusting (lenses)
A 2014-10-15: selbsttönende Brillengläser > self-tinting lenses
A 2014-10-15: self-tinting glasses / lenses
Q 2014-01-31: shoot long lenses
A 2013-03-21: In the U.S., 'eyewear' (or 'eye wear') generally does not include contact ...
A 2013-02-06: buy one complete pair of glasses and get half off on the lenses for a seco...
A 2013-02-05: I understand it as the others have - you get 50% off the cheaper lenses.
A 2013-02-05: I think you only get a 50% discount on the pair of lenses which had a lowe...
A 2013-02-05: Once you buy another pair of glasses, you shall get the second pair of len...
A 2009-04-18: foggy lenses?
A 2009-04-18: clouded lenses
A 2009-04-18: ? lenses
A 2007-09-04: Sago are little pearly white lenses
A 2006-08-22: sorry - overlooked this atticism - better put in my contact-lenses :-)
A 2005-10-07: May I differ from bugs? Ohne Optik funktioniert keine Kamera ... Optik > l...
A 2004-03-30: should include contact lenses

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