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English-German translation for: let
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Dictionary English German: let

Translation 1 - 50 of 758  >>


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NOUN   a let | lets
VERB  to let | let | let ... 
SYNO   to get | to have | to let | to lease ... 
NOUN   das Let | die Lets
sb. let
jd. ließ
let {past-p}
sports Let! [tennis]
to let
RealEst. to let sth. [esp. Br.]
etw.Akk. vermieten
to let [allow]
erlauben [lassen, zulassen]
to let
to let
to let [a room]
ausmieten [schweiz.] [untervermieten]
to let [archaic] [hinder, prevent, obstruct]
law let [hindrance, impediment]
Hindernis {n}
sports let [tennis]
Netzball {m} [Tennis]
let [esp. Br.] [rental property]
Mietobjekt {n}
let [esp. Br.] [renting]
Vermietung {f}
sports let [obstruction of the ball]Let {n}
2 Words: Others
RealEst. ... to let [esp. Br.] [available for rent]... zu vermieten
math. Let ... (be)Sei ...
let alone [not to mention]oder gar
let alone ... {prep} [idiom]geschweige denn ...
let alone ... {prep} [idiom]ganz zu schweigen von ... [Redewendung]
let alone ... {prep} [idiom]gar nicht zu reden von ...
let away {past-p}fortgelassen
let down {past-p}im Stich gelassen
let in {past-p}eingelassen [hereingelassen]
let off {past-p}abgelassen
let off {past-p} [firework]abgebrannt [Feuerwerk]
let out {past-p}durchgelassen
let out {past-p} [air etc.]abgelassen
Let's bail. [coll.] [leave]Lass uns abhauen. [ugs.]
Let's bounce! [coll.]Lass uns abhauen! [ugs.]
Let's go!Los!
Let's go!Auf geht's! [ugs.]
Let's go!Auf gehts!
Let's go!Gehen wir!
Let's go!Lass uns gehen!
Let's go!Wir wollen gehen!
Let's go! [coll.] [idiom] [get to it, start working]Dann mal ran (an den Speck)! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
Let's go. [by car or other vehicle]Fahren wir.
Let's roll! [coll.]Auf geht's! [ugs.]
Let's rumble! [coll.]Auf / Los geht's! [ugs.]
Let's scram. [coll.]Nur weg von hier!
Let's scram. [coll.]Nichts wie weg von hier!
Let's see ...Lass uns sehen, ...
Let's see, ...Mal sehen / schauen, ...
Let's see.Schau ma mal. [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.]
Let's see.Schau'n mer mal. [südd.] [ugs.]
Let's suppose ...Gesetzt den Fall ...
2 Words: Verbs
to let (sth.) loose(etw.) auslassen [österr.] [südd.]
to let downabkippen [herunterklappen]
to let downablassen [ugs. für herablassen]
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A 2024-08-29: it sounds a bit like "let''s not bother about the details". Deutsch: in ei...
A 2023-11-07: Let's have fun fighting back.
A 2023-04-23: Let's face it: UK legal terminology is clear in this respect, its Austrian...
A 2022-03-25: @Sasso_ Let's agree to disagree ;-)
A 2021-11-04: To recite poems from (book, author, etc.), please let me know .....
A 2021-10-23: Let me rephrase.
A 2021-09-22: Let's check what information has sunk in
A 2021-08-27: Let's give those that proclaim themselves lexicographers a voting power of...
A 2021-05-21: Deutsche Verknüpfungen: let it sit > es ruhen / ziehen lassen
A 2021-05-21: let sit (ziehen lassen, ruhen lassen, ...)
A 2021-05-21: let sid
A 2021-04-28: Mehr let it flow bitte
A 2021-03-23: Let's be fair, mates. +"pickled cabbage" "refining through fermentation."+...
A 2021-03-02: +"Why don't they just let them speak English?"+
Q 2021-02-26: This seems to be quite a controversial entry, so let's discuss.
A 2020-11-11: Let's hope and pray that +an artist's paint+ referring to one paint only (...
A 2020-10-05: > 21:41 / 23:16 Let's see what Lexico has on offer
Q 2020-04-19: Let all it go
A 2020-03-08: @polarjud: 900 entries, let me guess: 80% of them already in dict, or typo...
A 2019-06-07: Let's be less cryptic; +p, today, 00:21+ was Proteus-

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