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English-German translation for: level domain
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Dictionary English German: level domain

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comp. Internet second-level domain <SLD>Second-Level-Domain {f} <SLD> [zweitoberste Ebene im Domain Name System]
comp. Internet generic top-level domain <gTLD, generic TLD>generische Top-Level-Domain {f} <gTLD, generische TLD>
comp. Internet unsponsored top-level domain <unsponsored TLD, uTLD>nicht gesponserte Top-Level-Domain {f} <nicht gesponserte TLD, uTLD>
comp. top-level domain <TLD>Top-Level-Domain {f} <TLD>
comp. Internet infrastructure top-level domain <infrastructure TLD, iTLD>Infrastruktur-Top-Level-Domain {f} <Infrastruktur-TLD, iTLD>
comp. Internet sponsored top-level domain <sponsored TLD, sTLD>gesponserte Top-Level-Domain {f} <gesponserte TLD, sTLD>
comp. Internet country code top-level domain <country-code TLD, ccTLD>länderspezifische Top-Level-Domain {f} <länderspezifische TLD, ccTLD>
Partial Matches
comp. Internet domain configurationDomain-Konfiguration {f}
Internet domain endingsDomain-Endungen {pl}
comp. Internet domain modelDomain-Modell {n}
comp. domain ownerDomain-Besitzer {m}
comp. domain registryDomain-Registrierungsstelle {f}
lit. F Domain [James Herbert]Domain
comp. domain parameterDomain-Parameter {m} [auch: Domainparameter]
comp. active directory domain services <ADDS>Active-Directory-Domain-Verzeichnisdienst {m} <ADDS>
comp. Internet domain name system <DNS>Domain Name System {n}
audio speech recognition threshold level <SRTL, SRT level>Spracherkennungs-Schwellenwert / Spracherkennungsschwellenwert {m}
phys. terahertz time-domain spectroscopy <THz-TDS>Terahertz-Time-Domain-Spektroskopie {f} <THz-TDS>
comp. domainDomain {f}
electr. reference levelReferenz-Level {m} {n}
med. testosterone levelTestosteron-Level {m} {n}
econ. C-level [chief officers]C-Level {m} [erste Führungsebene eines Unternehmens]
domainDomäne {f}
math. domainGebiet {n}
law domainGeltungsbereich {m}
pol. domainHerrschaftsbereich {m}
domainKompetenzbereich {m}
acad. domainWissensgebiet {n}
admin. domainZuständigkeitsbereich {m}
comp. domain hostDomain-Host {m}
comp. Internet internet domainInternet-Domain {f}
comp. public domainPublic Domain {f}
domainBereich {m} [selten {n}]
hist. pol. RealEst. domainBesitz {m} [Landbesitz]
cross-domain {adj}domänenübergreifend
domain-dependent {adj}bereichsabhängig
domain-specific {adj}bereichsspezifisch
comp. domain-specific {adj}domänenspezifisch
law public domain {adj}lizenzfrei
biochem. activation domainAktivierungsdomäne {f}
biochem. adapter domainAdapterdomäne {f}
biochem. adenylation domainAdenylierungsdomäne {f}
air domainLuftgebiet {n}
biol. antibody domainAntikörperdomäne {f}
comp. attribute domainAttributdomäne {f}
biochem. binding domainBindedomäne {f}
biochem. binding domainBindungsdomäne {f}
econ. business domainGeschäftsbereich {m}
biochem. chromatin domainChromatindomäne {f}
math. co-domainWertebereich {m}
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