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English-German translation for: liability
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Dictionary English German: liability

Translation 1 - 50 of 306  >>

English German
NOUN   a liability | liabilities
SYNO   financial obligation | indebtedness ... 
law liability
Haftung {f}
fin. liability
Verbindlichkeit {f}
liability [burden]
Belastung {f}
liability [responsibility]
Verantwortung {f}
liability [guilt]
Schuld {f}
fin. liability
Verpflichtung {f}
law liability
Haftbarkeit {f}
law liability
Haftpflicht {f}
liability [burden]
Bürde {f}
fin. liability
Passiva {pl}
liability [duty]
Pflicht {f}
liability [responsibility]
Verantwortlichkeit {f}
acc. liability
Passivposten {m}
liability [liableness]
Neigung {f} [Tendenz]
econ. liability
Obligo {n}
2 Words: Verbs
to accept liabilitydie Verantwortung übernehmen
to assume liabilityHaftung übernehmen
2 Words: Nouns
absolute liabilityGefährdungshaftung {f}
absolute liabilityvolle Haftung {f}
accept liabilityAkzeptobligo {n}
acceptance liabilityAkzepthaftung {f}
acceptance liabilityWechselobligo {n}
acceptance liabilityWechselverbindlichkeit {f}
accident liabilityUnfallhaftpflicht {f}
accident liabilityUnfallhaftung {f}
accrued liabilityangefallene Verbindlichkeiten {pl}
aggregate liabilityGesamtversicherungssumme {f}
assumed liabilityübernommene Haftung {f}
carrier's liabilityHaftung {f} des Frachtführers
law civil liabilityzivilrechtliche Haftung {f}
law co-liabilityMithaftung {f}
collective liabilitygemeinsame Verantwortung {f}
insur. naut. collision liabilityKollisionshaftung {f}
econ. law contingent liabilityEventualverbindlichkeit {f}
insur. continuing liabilityNachhaftung {f}
law contractor's liabilityVertragshaftung {f}
law contractual liabilityVertragshaftung {f}
law contractual liabilityvertragliche Haftung {f}
contractual liabilityvertragliche Verpflichtung {f}
law corporate liabilityUnternehmenshaftung {f}
law criminal liabilitySchuldfähigkeit {f}
insur. cross liabilitygegenseitige Haftpflicht {f}
insur. cross liabilitygegenseitige Haftung {f}
fin. current liabilitykurzfristige Verbindlichkeit {f}
endorser's liabilityWechselhaftung {f}
econ. enterprise liabilityUnternehmenshaftung {f}
ecol. environmental liabilityUmwelthaftung {f}
law fault liability [liability based on fault]Verschuldenshaftung {f}
fault liability [proneness to errors]Fehleranfälligkeit {f}
fin. fixed liabilitylangfristige Verbindlichkeit {f}
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A 2024-04-06: https://personalinjuryjusticehq.com/car-accident-liability-vs-no-fault-lia...
Q 2024-04-04: law no-fault liability verschuldensunabhängige Haftung {f}
A 2021-09-06: Text of Section 47 (4), Limited Liability Companies Act < Das Gesetz ist h...
Q 2019-09-20: public liability insurance
A 2017-08-04: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=%22Staatshaftungsklage%22+%22state+liabi...
A 2017-08-04: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=%22state+liability+case%22&oq=%22state+l...
A 2017-08-04: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=%22state+liability+charge%22&oq=%22state...
A 2017-08-04: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=%22state+liability+suit%22&oq=%22state+l...
A 2017-08-04: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=%22state+liability+action%22&oq=%22state...
A 2017-08-04: https://www.google.co.uk/search?site=&source=hp&q=%22state+liability+lawsu...
Q 2017-05-26: liability to any person attaching to the director, liability incurred
A 2016-08-22: exemption-from-liability clause; general release clause / non-responsibili...
A 2016-08-21: https://www.google.co.uk/#q=%22exclusion+of+liability+clause%22
Q 2014-11-25: the liability of outsidership
A 2014-06-04: As far as I know, "als" means "nachdem = da, weil" in this context. And fo...
A 2014-01-18: a joint third-party liability required by law
A 2013-11-10: The Employee's liability is solely based on the terms and conditions in re...
A 2013-02-13: Obligations resulting from a declaration of liability made by third partie...
A 2013-02-13: "submission" (Einreichung) oder "making of the liability statement"
A 2013-01-23: Liability Compensation

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