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English-German translation for: lily
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Dictionary English German: lily

Translation 1 - 50 of 777  >>


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NOUN   a lily | lilies
bot. T
Lilie {f}
2 Words: Others
lily-livered {adj}feige
lily-livered {adj}hasenfüßig [feige]
lily-shaped {adj}lilienförmig
lily-white {adj}lilienweiß
lily-white {adj}schneeweiß
2 Words: Nouns
herald. lily banner [also: Lily banner]Lilienbanner {n}
hist. lily feet [bound feet in ancient China]Lilienfüße {pl}
bot. lily padSeerosenblatt {n}
lily pondLilienteich {m}
lily pondSeerosenteich {m}
3 Words: Verbs
idiom to gild the lilyunnötig verschönern
idiom to gild the lilydes Guten zu viel tun
to paint the lily [idiom]Sand in die Wüste tragen [Redewendung]
3 Words: Nouns
biol. lily mosaic virusLily-Mottle-Virus {n} <LMoV>
biol. lily mottle virusLily-Mottle-Virus {n} <LMoV>
biol. lily streak virusLily-Mottle-Virus {n} <LMoV>
biol. tulip break virus <TBV>Lily-Mottle-Virus {n} <LMoV>
biol. tulip breaking potyvirusLily-Mottle-Virus {n} <LMoV>
biol. tulip breaking virus <TBV>Lily-Mottle-Virus {n} <LMoV>
biol. tulip mosaic virusLily-Mottle-Virus {n} <LMoV>
water lily pondSeerosenteich {m}
hort. water lily poolSeerosenbecken {n}
art water-lily paintings [e.g. by Monet]Seerosenbilder {pl}
5+ Words: Nouns
lily-of-the-valley tree [Clethra arborea] [also: lily of the valley tree]Madeira-Zimterle {f}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
art F Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose [John Singer Sargent]Nelke, Lilie, Lilie, Rose
F Lily and the Lion [Emily Dalton]Mein sanfter Engel
film F Presenting Lily Mars [Norman Taurog]Bühne frei für Lily Mars
lit. mus. F The rose, the lily, the dove, the sunDie Rose, die Lilie, die Taube, die Sonne [Gedicht von H. Heine; Lied von R. Schumann]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
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Q 2018-10-28: fresh water lily
A 2016-02-08: Lily pad
A 2016-02-08: lily pad
A 2010-04-29: Yvonne, most of us would like to be "stuck" where you are. You are asking...
Q 2008-11-09: "Thou reeky lily-livered minnow!"
A 2008-10-23: Just in case lily looks here again -
A 2007-03-14: Lily the pink - a song by The Kinks
A 2007-03-14: wer ist Lily Wuffke??!!
A 2007-03-14: Let's have a drink, a drink, a drink, with Lily the...
A 2006-08-31: well, I'd go for "lily white" (see clavichord)
A 2006-06-15: yellow day-lily = Lilium luteum
A 2006-06-14: "gilding the lily" then?

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