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English-German translation for: lime
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Dictionary English German: lime

Translation 1 - 50 of 227  >>

English German
NOUN1   a lime | limes
NOUN2   lime | -
VERB  to lime | limed | limed ... 
SYNO   burnt lime | calcined lime ... 
geol. lime
Kalk {m}
gastr. lime
Limone {f}
bot. T
Linde {f}
bot. T
Limette {f}
lime [wood]
Lindenholz {n}
mineral. lime [CaO] [also: quicklime] [calcium oxide]
Calciumoxid {n}
gastr. lime
Limettenzitrone {f}
gastr. limeLimonelle {f} [seltener für: Limette]
2 Words: Others
lime green {adj}lindgrün
constr. material lime-based {adj}kalkbasiert
agr. geol. hort. lime-deficient {adj}kalkarm
lime-free {adj}kalkfrei
geol. lime-like {adj}kalkartig
lime-resistant {adj}kalkbeständig
geol. material lime-rich {adj}kalkreich
2 Words: Verbs
to lime washkalken
2 Words: Nouns
(lime) scaleKalkablagerung {f}
anhydrous limeBranntkalk {m}
bird limeVogelleim {m}
chem. builders lime [Ca(OH)2] [calcium hydroxide]Löschkalk {m}
mineral. burnt lime [CaO] [also: quicklime] [calcium oxide]gebrannter Kalk {m}
chem. burnt lime [CaO] [calcium oxide]Branntkalk {m}
chem. calcium lime <CL>Weißkalk {m} <CL> [gebrannt aus fast reinem CaCO3]
caustic limeÄtzkalk {m}
caustic limeBranntkalk {m}
chem. chlorinated limeBleichkalk {m} [Chlorkalk]
chem. chlorinated limeChlorkalk {m}
chem. constr. dolomitic lime <DL> [CaMgO2]Dolomitkalk {m} <DL>
material tech. fine limeFeinkalk {m}
hort. garden limeGartenkalk {m}
chem. hydrated lime [Ca(OH)2]Kalkhydrat {n}
chem. hydrated lime [Ca(OH)2] [calcium hydroxide]Kalziumhydroxid {n}
chem. hydrated lime [Ca(OH)2] [calcium hydroxide]Weißkalkhydrat {n}
hydraulic limeWasserkalk {m}
hydraulic limeZementkalk {m}
constr. lean limeMagerkalk {m}
agr. for. hort. lime balance [of soil]Kalkbilanz {f} [des Bodens]
bot. lime blossomLindenblüte {f} [einzelne Blüte]
gastr. lime caviarLimetten-Kaviar {m}
lime cementZementkalk {m}
lime columnKalksäule {f}
lime contentKalkgehalt {m}
gastr. lime cordialLimettensirup {m}
lime depositKalkablagerung {f}
lime dissolverKalklöser {m}
gastr. lime dressingLimettendressing {n}
gastr. lime dressingLimonendressing {n}
constr. lime finishKalkverputz {m}
lime greenLimettengrün {n}
lime greenLindgrün {n}
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Q 2024-10-05: lime disease
Q 2022-05-22: lime
A 2017-01-19: pickling lime
Q 2017-01-19: pickling lime
A 2012-04-11: run-of-kiln (ROK) lime
A 2011-09-19: http://www.google.at/search?hl=de&rlz=1T4ADRA_deAT365AT365&q=key+lime+pie&...
A 2010-08-09: other uses of lime
A 2009-10-22: I lean more towards yoghurt & lime juice or tahini and lemon juice.
Q 2009-09-13: Put the lime in the coconut...
A 2009-03-01: If it's for the UK, then lime tree.
A 2009-01-19: Google: "marinated in lime"
Q 2009-01-19: marinated in lime
A 2008-04-10: Knollenkalkstein: nodular lime-(stone); calcareous nodule
A 2007-07-26: yeaph ... lime / limetten
Q 2007-07-26: I've just read Chef-translator's question below, about lime roasted crayfish.
Q 2007-07-26: sweet chilli and lime roasted crayfish
A 2007-01-28: lime-cream (sauce - I wouldn't ad)
A 2006-07-14: sand-lime slabs
A 2006-07-14: lime- and sandstone tiles ??
A 2006-06-09: lime cordial

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