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English-German translation for: lineare
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Dictionary English German: lineare

Translation 1 - 62 of 62

ADJ  linear | linearer | am linearsten
linearer | lineare | lineares
linearster | linearste | linearstes
MedTech. planigraphy(lineare) Schichttechnik {f} [Planigraphie]
math. linear transformationlineare Abbildung {f}
linear depreciationlineare Abschreibung {f}
acc. straight-line depreciationlineare Abschreibung {f}
fin. straight-line method (of depreciation)lineare Abschreibung {f}
acad. math. linear algebralineare Algebra {f}
linear approximationlineare Annäherung {f}
phys. linear atom chainlineare Atomkette {f}
phys. linear accelerationlineare Beschleunigung {f}
linear constraintslineare Beschränkungen {pl}
linear motionlineare Bewegung {f}
math. linear representationlineare Darstellung {f}
math. linear recurrence relation <LRR>lineare Differenzengleichung {f}
phys. linear diffusionlineare Diffusion {f}
phys. linear diffusion equationlineare Diffusionsgleichung {f}
phys. linear energy transfer <LET>lineare Energieübertragung {f} [Physik, Dosimetrie, Strahlenschutz]
linear increaselineare Erhöhung {f}
math. linear eccentricitylineare Exzentrizität {f}
med. linear fracturelineare Fraktur {f}
math. linear functionlineare Funktion {f}
math. linear equationlineare Gleichung {f}
math. (linear) spanlineare Hülle {f}
linear interpolationlineare Interpolation {f}
spec. linear chainlineare Kette {f}
math. linear manifoldnesslineare Mannigfaltigkeit {f} [affiner Raum]
linear optimalizationlineare Optimierung {f}
linear optimizationlineare Optimierung {f}
ling. linear phonologylineare Phonologie {f}
optics linear polarisation [Br.]lineare Polarisation {f}
optics linear polarizationlineare Polarisation {f}
optics plane polarisation [Br.]lineare Polarisation {f}
optics plane polarizationlineare Polarisation {f}
comp. electr. math. linear programming <LP>lineare Programmierung {f} <LP>
spec. linear progressionlineare Progression {f}
linear regressionlineare Regression {f}
math. linear recurrencelineare Rekurrenz {f}
math. linear recursionlineare Rekursion {f}
math. spec. linear relaxationlineare Relaxation {f}
math. linear separabilitylineare Separierbarkeit {f}
biochem. linear sequencelineare Sequenz {f}
tech. linear scalelineare Skala {f}
engin. tech. linear stresslineare Spannung {f}
comp. linear searchlineare Suche {f}
math. linear independencelineare Unabhängigkeit {f}
mil. linear defence [Br.]lineare Verteidigung {f}
mil. linear defense [Am.]lineare Verteidigung {f}
audio electr. RadioTV linear distortionlineare Verzerrung {f}
comp. math. linear predictionlineare Vorhersage {f}
spec. linear growth ratelineare Wachstumsrate {f}
engin. tech. linear timelineare Zeit {f}
3 Words: Nouns
law agnatic lineal succession [genealogy]agnatisch-lineare Erbfolge {f} [Genealogie]
math. integer (linear) programmingganzzahlige (lineare) Optimierung {f}
linear algebraic equationlineare algebraische Gleichung {f}
math. linear differential equationlineare gewöhnliche Differentialgleichung {f}
math. linear differential equationlineare gewöhnliche Differenzialgleichung {f}
phys. linear irreversible thermodynamics <LIT>lineare irreversible Thermodynamik {f}
geol. linear magnetic anomalies <LMAs>lineare magnetische Anomalien {pl}
ling. non-linear phonologynicht-lineare Phonologie {f}
math. numerical linear algebranumerische lineare Algebra {f}
math. special linear groupspezielle lineare Gruppe {f}
4 Words: Nouns
stat. best linear unbiased prediction <BLUP>beste lineare unverzerrte Vorhersage {f}
math. mixed integer linear programming <MILP>gemischt-ganzzahlige lineare Optimierung {f}
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A 2011-11-10: ich sehe gerade: Ganz gelegentlich wird auch "eben polarisiert" gesagt. Da...
A 2008-10-18: wörterbuch? http://www.dict.cc/deutsch-englisch/lineare+Algebra.html
Q 2006-11-16: lineare Wirtschaftsalgebra

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Zuletzt gesucht
Ähnliche Begriffe
linear ausgeartet
Linear B
• lineare
lineare Abbildung
lineare Abschreibung
lineare Algebra
lineare algebraische Gleichung
lineare Annäherung
lineare Atomkette
lineare Beschleunigung
lineare Beschränkungen
lineare Bewegung
lineare Darstellung

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