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English-German translation for: linguistic
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Dictionary English German: linguistic

Translation 1 - 50 of 109  >>

English German
ADJ   linguistic | more linguistic | most linguistic
SYNO   lingual | linguistic
linguistic {adj}
ling. linguistic {adj}
ling. linguistic {adj}
linguistic {adj}
linguistic {adj}
2 Words: Others
ling. sociol. contact-linguistic {adj}kontaktlinguistisch
ling. cross-linguistic {adj}sprachübergreifend
ling. philos. linguistic-philosophical {adj}sprachphilosophisch
oral linguistic {adj}sprechsprachlich
ling. pre-linguistic {adj}vorsprachlich
ling. variational-linguistic {adj}variationslinguistisch
2 Words: Nouns
ling. (linguistic) explicitnessExplizität {f} [fachspr.]
linguistic analysisSprachanalyse {f}
ling. linguistic analysislinguistische Analyse {f}
ling. linguistic areaSprachbund {m}
ling. linguistic areaSprachraum {m}
ling. publ. linguistic atlasSprachatlas {m}
ling. sociol. linguistic behavior [Am.]sprachliches Verhalten {n}
ling. sociol. linguistic behaviour [Br.]sprachliches Verhalten {n}
ling. linguistic boundarySprachgrenze {f}
ling. linguistic cartographySprachkartographie {f}
ling. linguistic changeSprachwandel {m}
ling. linguistic communitySprachgemeinschaft {f}
ling. linguistic competenceSprachkompetenz {f}
ling. linguistic competencesprachliche Kompetenz {f}
ling. linguistic confusionSprachverwirrung {f}
ling. linguistic contactSprachkontakt {m}
ling. linguistic correctnessSprachrichtigkeit {f}
ling. linguistic descriptionsprachliche Beschreibung {f}
ling. linguistic descriptionsprachliche Schilderung {f}
ling. linguistic determinismlinguistischer Determinismus {m}
ling. linguistic developmentSprachentwicklung {f}
ling. lit. linguistic devicesSprachmittel {pl}
ling. linguistic diversitySprachenvielfalt {f}
ling. linguistic diversitySprachverschiedenheit {f}
ling. linguistic divideSprachgrenze {f}
ling. linguistic enclaveSprachinsel {f}
ling. linguistic extinction [language death]Sprachtod {m}
ling. linguistic familySprachfamilie {f}
linguistic formSprachgestalt {f}
philos. linguistic gameSprachspiel {n}
ling. linguistic geniusSprachgenie {n}
geogr. ling. sociol. linguistic geographySprachgeografie {f}
geogr. ling. sociol. linguistic geographySprachgeographie {f}
linguistic gestureSprachgebärde {f}
ling. linguistic groupSprachgruppe {f}
ling. linguistic imperialismSprachimperialismus {m}
ling. linguistic islandSprachinsel {f}
ling. linguistic jokeWortwitz {m}
ling. linguistic knowledgeSprachwissen {n}
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A 2021-11-17: > Zuchi1, 16-11-2021 Except for the Roman jurists, the legal profession ha...
A 2017-12-11: If the linguistic quality of clauses were an accepted criterion, two third...
A 2016-01-09: Linguistic level
A 2014-07-10: Even here linguistic usage has forged ahead in applying this (what???) further
A 2014-04-16: Linguistic level
A 2013-01-25: My own preference is to limit Br./Am. (etc.) to linguistic/spelling variants
A 2012-06-02: In spite of some significant attempts, post-1945 linguistic development ...
A 2011-12-17: Why don't you even consider an editorial committee, Paul, to improve lingu...
A 2011-12-16: Pidgin English speakers looking for German words or idioms feel at home on...
A 2011-12-16: Linguistic pitch
A 2011-11-29: Your premiss, wandle / 14:16, holds for any language on dict.cc, it seems....
A 2011-02-23: Perhaps: "offended their linguistic sensibilities."
A 2010-09-03: that, by safeguarding its linguistic and cultural identity ....
A 2010-04-27: Don't confuse +colloquial+ with +British,+ Bacca. Believe it or not, even ...
A 2010-03-25: ... simple English food ... TV show ... - +easy English+ is a linguistic c...
A 2010-03-15: Linguistic purism may be fine in a style manual, but a dictionary must doc...
A 2010-01-26: Now Herr Oettinger has obviously risen to his level of linguistic incompet...
A 2009-11-29: Setting the record straight, jim - I did not purvey +a groundless fable ab...
A 2009-11-02: Your understanding is correct: "all the way across". It is a linguistic in...
A 2009-10-02: If we restrict ourselves to current standards we do not even realize half ...

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