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English-German translation for: lining
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Dictionary English German: lining

Translation 1 - 50 of 122  >>

English German
NOUN   a lining | linings
VERB  to line | lined | lined
lining | lines
SYNO   facing | lining | liner
lining {adj} {pres-p}
cloth. lining
Futter {n} [Auskleidung, Kleiderfutter, Briefumschlagfutter]
ind. tech. lining
Auskleidung {f}
Kaschierung {f}
Verkleidung {f}
Belag {m}
constr. lining
Bekleidung {f}
Futterstoff {m}
constr. furn. lining
Auflage {f}
print publ. lining [endpaper]Vorsatzblatt {n}
2 Words: Nouns
cloth. (coat) liningMantelfutter {n}
bee liningBeelining {n}
cloth. bra liningBH-Futter {n}
brake liningBremsbelag {m}
tech. brake liningBremsfutter {n}
constr. canal liningKanalauskleidung {f}
casket liningSargeinlage {f}
casket lining [Am.]Sargauskleidung {f}
clutch liningKupplungsbelag {m}
coffin liningSargauskleidung {f}
collar lining [sneaker]Innenfutter {n} [am Rand eines Sportschuhs]
coloured lining [Br.]farbiger Futterstoff {m}
concrete liningBetonauskleidung {f}
concrete liningBetonverkleidung {f}
textil. fabric liningGewebeeinlage {f}
fireclay liningSchamotteauskleidung {f}
constr. flue liningKamineinsatzrohr {n}
constr. flue liningSchornsteinrohr {n} [Schornsteinfutter]
constr. flue liningZugfutter {n}
tech. friction liningReibbelag {m}
cloth. fur liningFellfutter {n}
fur liningPelzfutter {n}
furnace liningFeuerungsauskleidung {f}
inner liningInnenauskleidung {f}
cloth. inner liningInnenfutter {n}
internal liningInnenauskleidung {f}
tech. kiln liningOfenausmauerung {f}
tech. lead liningBleiauskleidung {f}
tech. lead liningBleieinlage {f}
tech. lead lining [inside surfaces] [process]Ausbleien {n}
tech. lead lining [inside surfaces] [process]Auskleiden {n} mit Blei
tech. lead lining [outside surfaces] [process]Verkleiden {n} mit Blei
cloth. leather liningLederfutter {n}
lining adhesiveKaschierkleber {m}
automot. lining discBelaglamelle {f}
tech. lining elementVerkleidungselement {n}
print lining figureMajuskelziffer {f}
print lining figureVersalziffer {f}
cloth. textil. lining materialFutterstoff {m} [Kleidung]
lining plateFutterblech {n}
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A 2016-12-07: synovial lining
A 2016-12-07: lining
Q 2016-12-07: synovial lining
A 2015-04-13: Lining
A 2015-01-28: Straight-Lining
Q 2015-01-28: straight-lining
A 2014-12-08: or (without plumbing, electricity work, etc.): dry-lining (Trockenbau)
A 2013-11-08: Every cloud has a silver lining.
A 2013-04-02: Terpentinöl = leicht brennbar .... maybe the lining is impregnated with ...
Q 2010-08-14: lining vessel
A 2009-10-19: silicon*e* mat / lining / liner
A 2009-09-24: OK, aber es ist doch explizit von +paper lining+ die Rede -
Q 2009-09-24: paper lining
A 2008-09-16: Every cloud has a silver lining?
A 2008-09-01: Brake Lining Sensor
A 2008-09-01: jo, Bremsbelag = brake lining,
A 2008-09-01: Bei Bremsbelägen: brake lining sensor
A 2008-08-10: backing, lining ?
A 2008-07-03: beim Ziehen, during (eye) lining
A 2008-06-30: Mediävalziffer = medieval numeral ? / Versalziffer = uppercase figure ...

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