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English-German translation for: linking
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Dictionary English German: linking

Translation 1 - 38 of 38


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ADJ   linking | more linking | most linking
NOUN   a linking | linkings
VERB  to link | linked | linked
linking | links
linking {adj} {pres-p}
Verbindung {f}
Anbindung {f}
Kopplung {f}
Verlinkung {f}
Verflechtung {f}
Verkettung {f}
linkingBinde {f}
linking [to]Bindung {f} [an]
2 Words: Nouns
chain-linkingVerkettung {f}
cross-linkingVernetzung {f}
biotech. chem. cross-linking [also: crosslinking]Quervernetzung {f}
comp. Internet hotline linkingHotlinelinking {n}
index-linkingIndexbindung {f}
index-linkingIndexierung {f}
comp. Internet inline linkingInline Linking {n}
line linkingVerbindungslinie {f}
ling. linking "s"Fugen-s {n}
math. linking cube [multi-base arithmetic block]Steckwürfel {m} [Verbindungswürfel]
ling. linking elementFugenelement {n} [auch: Fugenlaut, Fugenmorphem, Interfix]
econ. spec. linking functionAnbindungsfunktion {f} [selten auch: Anbindungs-Funktion]
linking loaderBinde-Lader {m}
linking pointAnknüpfungspunkt {m}
ling. linking verbKopula {f}
ling. linking verbverbindendes Verb {n}
linking withVerknüpfung {f} mit
ling. linking wordBindewort {n}
math. philos. logical linkinglogische Verknüpfung {f}
comp. program linkingProgrammverbindung {f}
3 Words: Nouns
(Chinese) linking rings [magic trick]verkettete Ringe {pl} [Zaubertrick]
chem. cross-linking agentVernetzungsmittel {n}
chem. cross-linking levelVernetzungsgrad {m}
chem. cross-linking timeVernetzungszeit {f}
linking (up with)Verknüpfung {f} (mit)
4 Words: Nouns
bad track linking recordErsatzspurverkettungssatz {m}
ling. consonant to consonant linkingKonsonantenverbindung {f}
linking up (to / with sth.)Ankopplung {f} (an etw.Akk.)
comp. object linking and embedding <OLE>Objekt-Verknüpfung und -Einbettung {f}
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A 2022-09-22: linking businesses and software solutions
A 2020-01-13: Simply / Just linking up regional companies / enterprises
A 2015-07-28: ? interlinking / linking
A 2012-06-03: oder: ... consisted of linking just the depletability of resources to the ...
A 2011-02-28: it's the tale of linking two nouns with the aid of an "s" or without one
A 2010-09-30: Another part of this is the fact that *seem* is a linking verb.
A 2010-05-03: PS: Linking R exists in the Viennese dialect - du-r-i (tu ich), geh-r-i (g...
A 2009-07-10: in Anlehnung an - similar to , anknüpfend - developing further / linking with
A 2008-07-22: interconnecting / linking the (whole/vast) gamut of children sites ?
A 2008-06-13: ? while observing the purpose and linking it with the objectives of commun...
Q 2008-05-31: With or without linking"s"?
A 2007-12-01: so nobody really appreciated my linking of "bite" with "Zahn" ;-)
A 2007-09-10: integrating / linking / intercommunicating (with) the technical infra-stru...
A 2007-09-06: dann: vielleicht 'the linking-up of' für 'Spannungsbogen'?
A 2007-04-27: connection, linking
A 2007-03-27: linking the freedom !
A 2007-01-30: color-linking?
A 2006-11-05: difficult...if its section of the liver thats involved, linking to bypass ...
A 2006-05-26: Pace Kornelius: connecting / linking wing
A 2006-05-26: link, linking/connecting tract,

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