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English-German translation for: liquor
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Dictionary English German: liquor

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NOUN   a liquor | liquors
SYNO   John Barleycorn | booze | hard drink ... 
SYNO   Flüssigkeit | Körperflüssigkeit ... 
gastr. liquor {sg} [brandies etc.]
Spirituosen {pl}
gastr. liquor [obs.]
Flüssigkeit {f}
chem. liquor
Lauge {f} [als Lösemittel]
gastr. liquor [broth]
Sud {m}
gastr. liquoralkoholisches Getränk {n}
gastr. liquorgeistiges Getränk {n}
gastr. liquor [Br.] [dated and rare for: parsley sauce]Petersiliensoße {f}
gastr. liquor [juice from roasting meat]Flüssigkeit {f} [Bratensaft]
2 Words: Others
med. cerebrospinal fluid {adj} [attr.] <CSF, C.S.F.>Liquor- [z. B. Fistel]
med. liquor-isointense {adj}liquorisointens
2 Words: Verbs
gastr. to liquor up [Am.] [sl.]einen heben [ugs.] [Alkohol trinken]
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. alcoholic liquorgeistiges Getränk {n}
gastr. alcoholic liquor [liqueur]Likör {m}
ecol. black liquorSchwarzlauge {f}
chem. black liquoressigsaures Eisen {n}
gastr. bootleg liquorschwarzgebrannter Schnaps {m} [ugs.]
gastr. corn liquorWhisky {m}
textil. dye liquorFarbflotte {f}
gastr. fruit liquorFruchtbrandy {m} [Apricot-Brandy, Cherry-Brandy, Orange-Brandy, Prune-Brandy]
gastr. fruit liquorFruchtlikör {m}
chem. gas liquorGaswasser {n} [Ammoniakwasser]
gastr. hard liquorHochprozentiges {n} [ugs.]
gastr. hard liquorSchnaps {m} [ugs.]
gastr. hard liquor {sg} [Am.] [Can.]Spirituosen {pl}
chem. iron liquorEisenbeize {f}
chem. material iron liquorSchwarzbeize {f} [Färberei]
furn. liquor cabinetGetränkeschrank {m}
furn. liquor cabinetHausbar {f}
med. MedTech. liquor circulationLiquorzirkulation {f}
comm. liquor dealerSpirituosenhändler {m}
med. liquor diagnostics [treated as sg.]Liquordiagnostik {f}
comm. liquor industrySpirituosenindustrie {f}
comm. gastr. liquor licence [Br.]Schanklizenz {f}
comm. gastr. liquor license [Am.]Alkoholausschanklizenz {f}
comm. gastr. liquor license [Am.]Schankerlaubnis {f}
comm. gastr. liquor license [Am.]Schankkonzession {f}
comm. gastr. liquor license [Am.]Schanklizenz {f}
comm. gastr. liquor license [Am.] [alcoholic beverage distributor's license]Ausschankerlaubnis {f}
med. liquor punctureLiquorpunktion {f}
comm. liquor store [Am.]Getränkemarkt {m} [bes. Spirituosen]
comm. liquor store [Am.]Schnapsladen {m}
comm. liquor store [Am.]Spirituosenladen {m}
comm. liquor store [Am.]Wein- und Spirituosengeschäft {n}
comm. liquor store [Am.] [Can.]Spirituosenmarkt {m} [Ladengeschäft]
liquor tax [Am.]Alkoholsteuer {f}
liquor tax [Am.]Branntweinsteuer {f}
liquorice liquor [Br.]Lakritzlikör {m}
malt liquor[aus Malz gebrautes alkoholisches Getränk]
gastr. malt liquor [Am.]Starkbier {n} [über 4,5 % Vol.]
chem. mother liquorMutterlauge {f}
gastr. plum liquorPflaumenlikör {m}
gastr. pot liquorSud {m} [Gemüsesud]
gastr. pot liquor [vegetables]Gemüsesud {m}
gastr. snake liquorSchlangenschnaps {m}
chem. ind. spent liquor [paper manufacturing]Ablauge {f} [Papierherstellung]
gastr. spirituous liquorSpirituose {f}
gastr. strong liquorgeistiges Getränk {n}
chem. pharm. supernatant (liquor)Überstand {m} [überstehende Flüssigkeit]
wash liquorWaschlauge {f}
chem. tech. waste liquorAbfalllauge {f}
print white liquorWeißlauge {f}
3 Words: Verbs
to be in liquorbetrunken sein
to hold one's liquor [idiom] [drink alcohol in quantity without ill effects]einen Stiefel vertragen können [ugs.] [Redewendung] [viel Alkohol vertragen]
3 Words: Nouns
med. blood-liquor barrier <BLB>Blut-Liquor-Schranke {f} <BLS>
bottle of liquorFlasche {f} Likör
Liquor Control Board [Am.][Behörde, zuständig für Alkoholausschanklizenzen]
chem. ind. spent sulfite liquor [Am.] [paper manufacturing]Sulfitablauge {f} [Papierherstellung]
chem. ind. spent sulphite liquor [Br.] [paper manufacturing]Sulfitablauge {f} [Papierherstellung]
gastr. wheat-distilled liquorWeizenkorn {m} [Branntwein]
comm. wholesale liquor businessGetränkegroßhandel {m}
4 Words: Nouns
distilling of spirits / liquorSchnapsbrennerei {f} [das Brennen]
engin. mixed liquor suspended solids <MLSS>Trockensubstanzgehalt {m} im Belebungsbecken
5+ Words: Others
idiom He cannot hold his liquor. [coll.]Er verträgt nicht viel. [ugs.]
idiom sb. cannot hold his / her liquor [Am.]jd. verträgt keinen Alkohol
5+ Words: Verbs
to be unable to hold one's drink / liquor [idiom]nichts vertragen [ugs.]
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Q 2013-11-24: Deutscher Text: Liquor License oder liquor license?
A 2012-12-01: Thank you - "liquor license" in BE
A 2011-05-14: "Shinny" is old Southern slang for "liquor;" "tight" is still current for ...
Q 2010-12-30: liquor delivery boy
A 2010-03-17: wenn, dann: herbs are steeped in liquor. Besser: Pour liquor over (the) he...
A 2010-03-17: .. and steep (steep liquor plus distiller's solubles) .. ???
A 2009-04-17: liquor >>wieder PONS: http://pons.eu/dict/search/results/?q=Flotte&in=de&l=deen
A 2008-02-15: can't hold his liquor
A 2008-02-15: liquor store, 24/7 C O N T E X T ??
A 2008-02-15: cannot hold his liquor well
A 2007-11-23: kleiner Schnaps / Stamperl Schnaps < shot (noun): a small drink of liq...
A 2007-10-23: http://www.google.com/search?q=%22eel+liquor%22&hl=de&rls=RNWE,RNWE:2006-2...
A 2007-10-23: Eel liquor = Aalschnaps? Was ist das denn?
A 2007-09-14: COR: Cornealreflex ÜLD: a.e. Überdruck Liquor Drainage?
A 2006-12-19: schank?sale of liquor
Q 2006-12-19: Schank= sale of liquor (plain and simple?)
A 2006-02-13: BurglAry. urban liquor :
A 2005-11-19: US 'Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker' > UK 'Sweets are treats, but sti...
A 2005-10-27: Dans ce cas-là > beverages containing spirits / liquor
A 2005-10-27: beverages containing liquor (not just brandy)

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