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English-German translation for: literacy
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Dictionary English German: literacy

Translation 1 - 38 of 38

English German
NOUN   a literacy | literacies
educ. literacy [possession of education]
Bildung {f} [grundlegend]
literacy [wide reading, book learning]
Belesenheit {f}
Gebildetsein {n}
educ. literacy
Literarität {f} [fachspr.]
educ. literacy
Schriftkundigkeit {f}
spec. literacy
Literalität {f}
Schriftlichkeit {f} [Literalität]
educ. literacyLese- und Schreibfähigkeit {f}
educ. literacyFähigkeit {f} zu lesen und zu schreiben
2 Words: Nouns
educ. adult literacyLese- und Schreibfähigkeit {f} Erwachsener
comp. computer literacyComputerkompetenz {f}
comp. computer literacy {sg}Informatikkenntnisse {pl}
comp. jobs computer literacy {sg}EDV-Kenntnisse {pl}
comp. data literacyDatenkompetenz {f}
comp. educ. digital literacy <DL>digitale Bildung {f}
fin. financial literacyFinanzwissen {n} [finanzielle Allgemeinbildung]
health literacyGesundheitskompetenz {f}
information literacyInformationskompetenz {f}
educ. literacy campaignAlphabetisierungskampagne {f}
educ. sociol. literacy level [in a country, group]Alphabetisierungsgrad {m}
educ. literacy mentorLesepate {m}
educ. literacy problemsLeseprobleme {pl}
educ. sociol. literacy rateAlphabetisierungsrate {f}
educ. literacy testLese- und Schreibtest {m}
math. mathematical literacyMathematikkompetenz {f}
educ. math. mathematical literacymathematische Grundbildung {f}
educ. media literacyMedienkompetenz {f}
hist. non-literacySchriftlosigkeit {f}
comp. privacy literacyDatenschutzkompetenz {f}
ling. reading literacyLesefähigkeit {f}
ling. reading literacyLesekompetenz {f}
ling. writing literacySchreibkompetenz {f}
3 Words: Nouns
adult literacy rate <ALR>Alphabetisierungsgrad {m}
educ. literacy and numeracyLesen, Schreiben und Rechnen
4 Words: Nouns
educ. sociol. teaching of literacy skillsAlphabetisierung {f}
5+ Words: Others
The literacy rate in this region is only 30%.Die Analphabetenquote in dieser Region beträgt 70 %.
5+ Words: Verbs
educ. to raise the level of literacy amongst the rural populationdie Menschen auf dem Lande alphabetisieren
5+ Words: Nouns
educ. teaching of literacy skills to adultsAlphabetisierung {f} Erwachsener
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A 2023-03-11: ... and please do drop a line to +Alison, a literacy specialist+ to tell h...
A 2021-07-30: balanced literacy framework
Q 2021-07-29: balanced literacy framework
A 2018-04-27: health awareness / awareness of health issues / health literacy
Q 2017-04-28: body literacy
Q 2016-01-15: scientific literacy
Q 2015-09-23: balanced literacy
A 2012-07-13: A positive mind set in respect of English ... as an objective in order to ...
Q 2011-12-16: In the US there was a literacy test in order to be able to vote. Black's t...
A 2009-10-12: or pc/computer literacy ...
Q 2009-03-30: females as a % of males (statistic of Adult literacy rate in India)
A 2008-07-20: provincial secondary school literacy requirements > für höhere Schulen der...
A 2008-07-20: literacy bedeutet nicht (nur) Lesefähigkeit: http://www.dict.cc/?s=literacy
A 2008-01-28: literacy and the use of writing
A 2006-08-26: Academically, there is also 'cultural techniques'; I'd prefer 'literacy an...

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