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English-German translation for: live bearing aquarium fish
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Dictionary English German: live bearing aquarium fish

Translation 1 - 50 of 2065  >>

fish live-bearing aquarium fishlebendgebärender Aquariumfisch {m}
Partial Matches
fish aquarium fishAquarienfisch {m}
fish aquarium fishAquariumfisch {m}
fish freshwater aquarium fishSüßwasserzierfisch {m}
zool. live-bearing {adj}lebendgebärend
zool. live fishlebender Fisch {m}
fish T
quote Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. [ Albert Einstein ]Jeder ist ein Genie! Aber wenn Du einen Fisch danach beurteilst, ob er auf einen Baum klettern kann, wird er sein ganzes Leben glauben, dass er dumm ist.
fish aquarium [building]Aquarienhaus {n}
fish aquarium [building]Aquarium {n} [Aquarienhaus]
tech. aquarium heaterAquarienheizer {m}
aquarium hobbyistAquarianer {m}
bot. aquarium plantsAquarienpflanzen {pl}
aquarium pumpAquariumpumpe {f} [auch: Aquarium-Pumpe]
aquarium snailAquarienschnecke {f} [auch: Aquariumsschnecke]
aquarium waterAquarienwasser {n}
fish community aquariumGesellschaftsaquarium {n}
freshwater aquariumSüßwasseraquarium {n}
zool. jellyfish aquariumQuallenaquarium {n}
marine aquariumMeeresaquarium {n}
reef aquariumRiffaquarium {n}
saltwater aquariumMeerwasseraquarium {n}
saltwater aquariumSalzwasseraquarium {n}
fish shark aquariumHaiaquarium {n} [auch: Hai-Aquarium]
fish aquarium [tank, bowl]Aquarium {n} [Behälter]
fresh-water aquariumSüßwasseraquarium {n}
salt water aquariumMeerwasseraquarium {n}
Museum for Oceanography and Fisheries, Aquarium [German Oceanographic Museum in Stralsund, Germany]Museum {n} für Meereskunde und Fischerei, Aquarium [Deutsches Meeresmuseum in Stralsund]
fish T
orn. T
fish T
zool. T
fish T
fish T
fish T
educ. sociol. big-fish-little-pond effect / big fish little pond effect <BFLPE>Bezugsgruppeneffekt {m} [veraltend] [Fischteicheffekt]
educ. sociol. big-fish-little-pond effect / big fish little pond effect <BFLPE>Fischteicheffekt {m}
bearing {adj}erduldend
bearing {adj} {pres-p}ertragend
bearing {adj} {pres-p}tragend
constr. tech. bearingAuflager {n}
tech. bearingAuflagerung {f} [Stahlbau]
bearingDulden {n}
bearingErtragen {n}
naut. bearingKurs {m} [eines Schiffes]
tech. bearingLager {n} [z. B. Kugellager]
tech. bearingLagerung {f}
naut. bearingPeilung {f}
bearingRichtung {f} des Kompasses
bearingSeite {f} [Stellung, Richtung]
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